Knockout City: Enjoy This Shooter Video Game Now

If you have played Knockout City previously, you would know that beneath its cartoony exterior, players get to enjoy intense combat language with a variety of throw styles and multiple ball types, team tactics, and fake outs. The game is a brilliantly developed team-based shooter video game incorporating death-watch modes, arena-style maps, and heaps of cover. The action scenes of this game are striking. The action elements have more similarity with medieval combat of chivalry than shooting aspects. 

The game can get immensely interesting. All you have to do is toss trick shots into the air and enjoy! Developers have enabled players to modify their standard football with either a spin or flip. Players can also create a high lob throw which can reach targets more than you have ever thought. Players can use these moves in several ways. They can kick fast, slow, close, far, and past. No experience would be more satisfying than throwing a ball 30 meters around the corner and watch it hit an opponent suddenly. 

To get knockout city Cheats, Players can access Nemo Trainer which is very famous for applying cheat codes in the game. You can literally enjoy all unlocked features of the game instantly.

Developers have added more elements to the game by adding special ball types. They have made the standard 3v3 team death match mode. Players can find a lot of useful items in the central points in the map, like low grav balls, multi balls, and bomb balls. These items can be used by teams to fight over. There’s also a quirky cage ball available which when shot imprisons a player in a ball, leaving them to open for enemies. Such imprisoned players would then be exposed to enemies and used as weapons. They can also be chucked off the map easily. Even deadlier than the quirky cage is the sniper ball. It’s an American football with a laser sight that is capable of shooting so fast that catching a sniper ball feels like cheating death. 

It wouldn’t be fair if we talk about Knockout City without talking about its sound design. Needless to say, that a game lacking inconsistent, varied audible would be so dull to play. It otherwise might have been an amazing gaming experience. However, Knockout City is an overachiever in this aspect. The game incorporates varied sounds. You would notice that every different action in the game, be it passes, dodges, catches, tackles, curved, fastballs, slow balls, etc., carries a different sound. Besides that, you would be able to hear every sound which would heighten your gaming experience and excitement. 

Knockout City, though projects an art style is highly competitive. When you start to win the game and enjoy your perks and rewards, it is sure to be hard for you trying to resist yourself from playing. The game offers only two core modes, 3v3 team death match, and 1v1 duels. Winning these battles fetches you different bracelets starting from diamond to bronze. The aesthetic essence of Knockout City feels a little generic. You might find a few parts of Knockout City’s art style to be a little ugly. Nevertheless, the game is truly worth playing. If you haven’t yet enjoyed it, download the game and have fun! 

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

Articles: 15889

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