Is Laser Treatment For Acne Scars Permanent?

Laser treatment is an option for acne scars. It can be done with the use of a laser or by using a chemical peel. The side effects of laser treatments are often minimal. However, there are some risks involved with laser treatments. Learn about the cost, downtime, and potential side effects of laser treatment before you decide to undergo this procedure. The cost depends on the size of your scars and how many sessions are necessary for total healing.


The price range for laser acne scar treatment can vary greatly. The cost of a single session can be as low as $90, but several treatments can cost up to three thousand dollars. Other options for treating acne scars include microneedling and phototherapy, which may cost anywhere from $50 to $70 per session. Prices may also vary depending on the location and practitioner. Dermatologists or plastic surgeons may be more affordable, or a doctor’s office may be a cheaper alternative.

While laser treatment for acne scars costs around $22,000, it can be quite affordable if you have limited budget. Most dermatologists offer free consultations, so comparing prices will help you find the best option. Before deciding to undergo laser treatment, you should discuss the benefits and risks of this treatment with your dermatologist. Some dermatologists offer free consultations, so it’s important to make an appointment as early as possible.


If you suffer from the effects of acne scarring, laser treatment is the ideal solution. This treatment is effective for treating all types of scars and can help you achieve the skin tone and texture that you have always wanted. To learn more about this procedure, consult a board-certified dermatologist. In the first session, you can expect to see visible results. In the second, you can expect to see complete acne scar removal. As collagen is produced in the scars, skin tone will even out and the pigmentation will be reduced.

If you are taking any medications for acne, you will have to stop them for a few days. The laser procedure may be performed on the skin using a fractional CO2 laser, which requires one hour. While the procedure is painless, you should refrain from swimming, exercising, or using a hair dryer. Your skin may also experience some redness and peeling after the procedure. Afterward, you will have to wait for at least five days for the effects to show. You may also experience cold sores.

Side effects

There are many potential side effects of laser treatment for acne scars. Laser treatments may cause redness or inflammation on the skin, which may worsen certain skin conditions. Additionally, certain people may develop cold sores or fever blisters. People who smoke should avoid this for at least two weeks prior to their treatment. Swelling and redness may occur following the procedure, but these are generally temporary. Patients should avoid applying makeup until the redness and swelling have gone down.

While laser treatment for acne scars can be an effective solution for those who have severe scarring, it is not for everyone. Patients who have active acne should not undergo this procedure. Laser treatment can also exacerbate existing conditions, including infection. Before undergoing laser treatment, be sure to discuss all potential side effects with your dermatologist. The surgeon will be able to advise you based on the severity of your acne condition and the risk of infection.

Cost per session

Most health insurance plans will not cover the cost of laser treatment for acne scars. The cost per session for ablative laser treatments is between $1,500 and $2,000, while non-ablative laser treatments cost anywhere from $55 to $150. Chemical peels, microdermabrasion and dermabrasion are common home remedies for acne scars that cost less than $100 per session. Both of these treatments are simple procedures that remove the top layers of skin with an instrument.

A laser treatment for acne scars can remove the visible portion of the scar, which can be up to 80% of the original size. Laser treatments can also remove thicker, slower hair. They are best for scarring that is visible only on the face and do not cover the entire face. Although these treatments can leave a scarred appearance, they do require extra care afterward. Laser treatment can also make your skin more susceptible to sun damage, so you should avoid sun exposure while using these treatments.

Time it takes to complete

While acne scars typically disappear with time, some don’t. If your scars are flush with the surface of your skin, there’s a good chance that the skin will heal itself. If your scars aren’t flush, though, you may need a surgical intervention. Surgical intervention is required when the acne scar is too deep and you can’t achieve the layered closure with laser treatments. The recovery time for surgical intervention can take weeks or months, and you may need to take time off work.

The success of laser treatment for acne scars is largely dependent on the type of acne scars you have and their severity. The laser treatment will reduce the brown pigmentation and increase collagen production. Although it won’t remove acne scars completely, laser treatments can make them less visible. After undergoing laser treatment, you’ll have to be especially careful with your skin care. Avoid sun exposure and tanning for at least eight weeks after the procedure. The doctor may recommend special skin care products or a specific skin toner to minimize scarring after the procedure.

If it’s a cure

Laser treatment for acne scars is a quick, safe, and effective way to reduce the appearance of scarring left behind by acne. Patients of all skin tones and types can benefit from laser treatment. People who have tried other methods, such as topicals or dermabrasion, are particularly good candidates for laser treatments. People who still have active acne are not good candidates for laser treatments. They may benefit from other methods of treating acne before they develop scars.


Before undergoing laser treatment, patients should avoid any medication that may slow down healing and should stop smoking at least two weeks before the treatment. They should also avoid any skin care products containing retinoids or glycolic acid. Smokers should avoid sun exposure, and those who are prone to cold sores should stay away from the sun for several days. While laser treatment for acne scars is considered a permanent solution, the results are not guaranteed and may require repeated sessions in the future.

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

Articles: 15890

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