Good Idea to Have Your Social Media Posts

Is It a Good Idea to Have Your Social Media Posts Automated?

Utilizing third-party APIs to publish content automatically on social media, are you putting your social media marketing on autopilot? A few suggestions are on my mind right now. The greatest thing you could do right now is to take a step back and rethink your strategy after reading this informative blog article.

Taking things too far is never a sensible decision when it comes to auto-posting. You are engaging in poor social media etiquette, and it will have a detrimental influence on the way you approach your social media marketing strategy. You will lose your friends and followers in an instant if you approach Facebook and Twitter-like an RSS feed. They will look for a new home someplace else.

Don’t get me wrong: I’m not arguing that every social media auto posting is bad for your social media marketing results. That would be unfair to third-party APIs, such as those utilized by social media management tools such as HootSuite and TweetDeck. And, after all, it is not the technology that is in question in this situation. Individuals that make use of technology are prone to becoming lazy, which is a reliable cause of the problem. This essay will learn what occurs when you place an excessive degree of faith in auto-posting software.

For example, it’s not a smart idea to show up in a Star Wars costume at a Star Trek conference.

People in charge of spreading content on social media must be aware of the variations between each social network and the ecosystem that exists inside each network to follow social media etiquette guidelines. For example, a Facebook post that contains a flood of Twitter hashtags will not be favorably welcomed by its followers on Twitter. Furthermore, the people you connect with on LinkedIn aren’t interested in clicking on links to videos and photographs of your sister’s son’s third-grade play, even if they are interested in your sister’s son’s performance.

As a result of choosing to hit the “Publish to All” button and distributing your content in its original version throughout the whole social media universe, you will almost certainly create some disquiet among your followers. If you were to arrive at a Star Trek convention in your new Darth Vader attire and make a spectacle of yourself, you would be in the right circumstances. With three hundred men costumed as Captain Kirk in the crowd, that’s not going to go down well.

It would help if you kept in mind that uploading uninteresting, repetitive stuff to your Facebook page and spamming your Twitter followers with auto-post links and retweets is significantly worse than merely being unsophisticated. It also displays a complete lack of understanding of the psychology of involvement, which you have demonstrated. A disengaged audience, regardless of the social media platform or ecosystem in which they live, has the ability to turn your social network into a ghost town in a short period of time.

Is it time to call it a night for Facebook auto-posters once more (or will it be too late)?

Even if your lack of social media etiquette has no detrimental influence on your company’s financial line, the folks at Facebook may provide you with another reason to question your reliance on automatic posting technology, according to the guys at Facebook. I use the word “may” since Facebook has stated that users of third-party APIs will not be punished if they utilize them. However, according to a new study from Hubspot, this is not the case in this instance.

According to Hubspot statistics, brand pages using auto-posting software suffered dramatically once Timeline was adopted across all of their pages. Their studies revealed that content posted through third-party applications garnered 67% fewer Likes and 60% fewer clicks than the same content shared directly on Facebook itself. Although there is no definitive explanation for this decrease, the majority of experts believe that Facebook’s EdgeRank algorithm is to blame for the situation.

This is not the first time that concerns have been made about Facebook penalizing users who use third-party applications. Since its inception, Facebook’s developers have made changes and tweaked the algorithm in order to provide a more fair playing field for all participants. In spite of Facebook’s statement that EdgeRank penalizes auto-posters, there is conjecture that the social media site is once again altering its algorithm in order to close the gap created by Timeline’s arrival on the platform.


In the long term, moderation and high-quality material will be the most successful strategies. You will continue to save time as you implement your social media posting strategy using time-saving social media auto poster programs such as FS Poster. This will save you time as you implement your social media posting strategy.

Make certain that you develop a mix that relies more heavily on manual posting as you go about your job. While setting up your scheduled auto-posts, keep in mind to prepare your content uniquely and acceptably for each social media network you will be using. Last but not least, regardless of whether or not you employ auto-posting, you should always provide high-quality content that engages your audience.

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

Articles: 15890

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