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Invisalign Cleaner: A Guide to Keeping Your Clear Braces Clean

Over 4 million people in the United States wear braces. Braces are the perfect solution for crooked teeth, misaligned jaws, and more often than not they boost confidence and self-esteem. Although, for children and adults that need braces, many are opting instead for Invisalign.

Invisalign is a less visible version of braces. Keep reading this guide to learn all about Invisalign, Invisalign cleaner, and all other need-to-know information!


What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is a set of clear aligners, very similar to retainers, that are customized to each person’s teeth. Invisalign is worn every day, except for during meals. Over a series of weeks or months, the aligners exert pressure that helps straighten the teeth and jaw.

As for how much is Invisalign, or how long does Invisalign take, it varies from patient to patient.

Most patients will pay several thousand dollars for Invisalign treatment. Thankfully, most dental insurance plans will cover Invisalign. Invisalign treatment lasts anywhere from a year to 18 months, but results are seen within the first few weeks.

Patients that require more dental correction may take longer.

Is Invisalign an Option?

Most patients opt for Invisalign over traditional braces.

Some find traditional braces uncomfortable. The Invisalign retainer is removable, making it easier to eat, drink, and engage in usual activities.

Invisalign may not work for certain tooth shapes and positioning, or for severe over or underbites.

The best way to figure out whether Invisalign is an option is to talk to a dentist or orthodontist and to ask them for more information on Invisalign. These doctors will also be able to provide predicted costs, treatment times, and Invisalign before and after examples as a reference for their work.

Invisalign Cleaner and Maintenance

To properly care for Invisalign, the user must clean them regularly.

The first step of cleaning an Invisalign retainer is to rinse it out with water. This helps to remove any debris or food particles from the aligners. Aligners that aren’t cleaned regularly may serve as a breeding ground for bacteria.

This bacteria can damage the teeth and impact the health of the rest of the body.

Invisalign can be cleaned using a toothbrush. Softly scrub the inside of the retainers. Toothpaste is not recommended for cleaning, as many kinds of toothpastes are too abrasive.

The same concern applies to some soaps and denture cleaners.

Soaking is another method for cleaning retainers utilizing Invisalign cleaning crystals, approved denture cleaners, and approved antibacterial soaps. Typically, these work by leaving the aligners in lukewarm water with a cleaner for some time.

There are other ways to keep Invisalign clean.

Almost as important as cleaning the Invisalign is keeping up good oral hygiene. This means brushing teeth at least twice a day and flossing regularly. Rinsing the mouth out after eating is also helpful for preventing food particles from being caught in a retainer.

Tooth Truth

Invisalign is a great option for individuals that want to correct their dental concerns and improve their self-confidence. Before investing in Invisalign, it is critical to know how it works, whether it is an option, and what Invisalign cleaner and upkeep are required.

For more information on Invisalign and other health procedures, check out the rest of our site!

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

Articles: 15885

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