How To Set Up An Electrical Connection In The UK

Consumer electricity is a privatized market in the UK. The big six utility providers generate almost 75% of the electricity in circulation within the United Kingdom. The big six utility providers in the UK supply approximately 90% of the electricity. Independent electricity institutions are slowly gaining popularity within the market. UK consumers are fortunate enough to choose between multiple electricity and gas suppliers.

UK Electricity Suppliers

UK utility consumers can select between fixed or variable tariffs. UK consumers can combine their electricity and gas suppliers to get better rates from the same provider. A dual fuel account merges electricity and gas suppliers so the consumer can get some of the best rates on the market. The following are the big six utility providers in the UK.

  • British Gas
  • EDF Energy
  • E.ON
  • Npower
  • Scottish Power
  • Scottish and Southern Energy

UK consumers can also choose from some of the newer utility providers such as:

  • Bulb Energy
  • Cooperative Energy
  • Green Star Energy
  • Octopus Energy
  • Ovo Energy

How To Choose An Electricity Supplier?

You can choose any electricity provider in the UK, but there might be limited options based on your location. The dominant electricity providers operate all over the United Kingdom and have some of the best rates to offer. There are plenty of websites, like Utility Bidder, that you can use to compare multiple electricity providers. You can compare the services of each electricity provider and their rates on these utility comparison websites.

Installing & Removing An Electricity Connection In The UK

People that move into a new house without an electricity connection must contact the National Grid to install an electricity connection. It is recommended to do this as early as possible because it can take some time to arrange for a technician to visit your location to install an electricity connection. National Grid is only responsible to connect you to the main grid, it will not supply electricity to your connection. You need to choose an electricity provider to deliver the electricity to your premises.

You will not need to choose an electrical supplier especially if you are on rent. But you will need to make sure that the utilities are under your name to avoid invoicing anarchy. The previous tenants often provide the final meter readings to the electricity supplier on their exit. You must note the initial meter reading as you begin renting the property to maintain accurate readings.

Tenants moving out of a rented property in the UK do not need to disconnect their connection as they leave the property. They only need to inform their supplier of the date they are moving out and the final meter reading on their exit.

Switching Electricity Suppliers In The UK

There is no obligation for new tenants to remain with the same supplier as the previous tenant. The best time to switch electricity suppliers is when you move into a new property. A majority of renters in the UK do not switch to a different provider because they might not be living in the rented property for so long. UK electricity consumers can switch electricity suppliers at any time but they might incur extra charges if they switch to a different provider too early.

It is very easy to change electricity suppliers in the UK by simply making a phone call or doing it online. You need to know your postcode to enter it on the comparison website and to make sure the electricity supplier administers connections in your area.

Electricity Prices And Packages In The UK

The best reason to compare different rates is to make sure that you are getting the prices for your electricity. Some of the choices include capped rates, fixed monthly rates, unit rates and prepaid meters. With a prepaid meter, you can replenish supplies with a key. All of the electricity suppliers conveniently list their rates on their websites. Comparison websites use this information to provide potential consumers with accurate information about multiple electricity providers. The UK electricity price is the ninth most expensive country within the EU.

Dealing With Power Outages & Conducting Electrical Overhauls

Power outages seldom occur in the UK, but sometimes they must take place necessarily. The first thing you should do in the event of a power outage is to verify if the street lights and your neighbour’s electricity is operational. You will have to wait until the power is restored in the entire area if the entire neighbourhood does not have electricity.

Check the fuse box for a tripped switch, if only your house doesn’t have electricity. Call the electricity emergency number for your electricity supplier if this is the case. The electrical emergency phone number is on the back of the electricity bill. In case you need a qualified electrician, you can find a Registered Electrical Competent Person that provides electrical repairs in your area.

Filing A Complaint Against An Electricity Supplier In The UK

It is recommended to file a complaint with your electricity supplier before you escalate your complaint to the higher authorities. You can file a complaint with the Energy Ombudsman if you are not satisfied with the resolution provided by your electricity supplier. The electricity supplier’s helpdesk should be the first point of contact when you want to file a complaint. You can escalate the entire situation with the proper documentation if you are not satisfied with their outcome.

How To Pay Electricity Bills In The UK

Electricity consumers in the UK have multiple options to pay their utility bills. You can choose to receive your electricity bill quarterly (every three months). The electricity bill needs to be paid within the due date which is within a few weeks of receipt. Alternatively, UK electricity consumers can choose to receive their electricity bills monthly.

The electricity supplier’s representative will take a meter reading for UK electricity consumers that have an electricity meter. The other option is to receive your electricity bills based on estimated usage, and any defrayals in payment are made up for in the following month. Electricity consumers in the UK have the option to pay the bill via a credit card or debit card over the phone. Electricity consumers can also pay by cash or cheque at their local post office.

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

Articles: 15890

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