How to select a contractor to remodel your home

Have you thought or are you considering hiring a construction contractor? We all know that a good job improving your property can increase the value of your home. Likewise if you buy a house and remodel it to your liking or perhaps add a new terrace, a room, improve a bathroom or remodel the kitchen.

If you want to carry out a job of this type in your home, you will need to select a construction contractor to do the remodeling. We all know of cases of excellent work and also of contractors who did not finish the job or who asked for a deposit to start the work and never got started.

If you do not want to be a victim of these people, we offer you a series of practical advice when selecting and hiring a construction contractor in Puerto Rico.

1) Before hiring someone , find out how long they have been in business. It is preferable to hire an established company, if possible in your area; and be sure to check the reputation of the company, as well as some references.

2) Always make sure the contractor has the necessary licenses for the work to be done.

3) When considering potential contractors , ask for a list of recently completed projects that may be similar to the one you want. Finding a contractor with experience in similar projects will ensure that the work can be done without problems, in the right way.

4) Be sure to ask your contractor , before committing to the job, if the job will require any municipal permits. All permits must be obtained before construction begins, or you could be fined, even forced to partially or fully demolish the site. It is best to discuss beforehand who will handle the permits, whether it is you or the contractor.

5) Always ask for the name of the person who will be in charge of the project, usually a supervisor, and the names of those who will work on the site.

6) Once you are familiar with the supervisor, ask about team personnel . You will need to find out if they are legit and if you really want these people to work in your home. Will they need the keys? Then they will have to be reliable enough people so that they can be close to your family.

7) Every professional contractor must have insurance to cover it, including third party liability protection, property damage and worker’s compensation insurance. You should require copies of all insurance certificates to confirm that everything is in order before work begins. Do not do business with a contractor who cannot provide documentation, as in the event of damage or injury, you may end up holding you responsible.

8) Always check the contractor’s references before deciding to hire him for the project. This is important for obvious reasons, and it will give you an idea of how they work and the results they have already achieved.

9) When you reach an agreement with the contractor regarding the payment terms, you must put everything in writing and that the agreement is duly signed by both parties.

10) Never pay more money to the contractor than what has been executed to date , so you will force the contractor to have a good performance to cover his cash flow and finish the work faster.

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

Articles: 15890

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