How to Get Rid of Cystic Acne?

There are several factors that determine whether you develop cystic acne, including diet. While chocolate and greasy foods may not cause acne, your diet should be a priority. Your dermatologist may recommend eliminating particular foods from your diet. If you have trouble figuring out which foods trigger your acne, keep a food journal. Here are some suggestions for treating cystic acne at home. Let’s get started!


There are two types of cystic acne treatment, oral and topical. Your dermatologist may prescribe a combination of both depending on the severity of your acne. Benzoyl peroxide, a prescription medication, can reduce the bacteria that contribute to the formation of cysts. It will not clear away dead skin cells and excess oil, but it will reduce redness and swelling. While it can cause a temporary skin irritation, this treatment is generally safe and effective.

Some cystic acne patients may opt for long courses of antibiotics to control the bacteria and reduce the inflammation. These types of drugs are called tetracycline antibiotics and are typically given at lower doses than other types of antibiotics. These drugs can sometimes be combined with probiotic supplements. However, they can have adverse side effects and are not recommended for long-term use. Some women with cystic acne may also be prescribed birth control pills to regulate their hormone levels and reduce sebum production.


While there are no magic remedies for cystic acne, there are some simple steps you can take to minimize the impact it has on your skin. The first step is to stop picking or popping the cysts as this can spread the infection and increase the risk of scarring. You can also try to avoid using cosmetics with oil-based or noncomedogenic ingredients to avoid clogging your pores. Another way to combat cystic acne is to use natural skin care products.

While cystic acne is most common on the face, it can occur on the arms, chest, neck, and upper back as well. People with long hair and people who work out often may also suffer from this skin type. To minimize the appearance of cystic acne on your back, make sure you shower and wear clean clothes after exercising. If you’re not sure whether acne is caused by exercise, consult a dermatologist. He or she will prescribe steroids if necessary.


Unlike other types of acne, cystic acne is much more painful than regular pimples. Cystic acne lumps are painful and may be more difficult to treat. Unlike regular pimples, they may not form a “white head,” which is a clogged pore that can be squeezed to release pus. Cystic acne lumps may be hard to touch, making them sometimes called a “blind pimple.”

Unlike the other types of acne, cysts form deep in the skin. They look similar to boils and are highly irritating. Most cysts form on the face, but they may also form on the neck, back, buttocks, or upper arms. When the breakout is severe, it may leave painful scars. It is best to seek medical care as soon as possible, because cysts are not easy to treat.

Treatments at home

There are several effective treatments for cystic acne that can be done at home, and some of them can even be found in your kitchen. The salicylic acid contained in aspirin is great for acne treatment because it unclogs pores and reduces sebum production in the oil glands. You can create a paste by mixing one aspirin tablet with a few drops of water or aloe gel. Apply the mixture to your affected areas and leave it on for about 10-15 minutes.

Another effective method is applying tea tree oil to the affected area. Tea tree oil has an antibacterial effect and can help reduce the swelling and redness. If you’re a woman, you can also use birth control pills to treat cystic acne. However, you must always remember to avoid touching the infected skin as this can worsen the condition and lead to scarring. If you’re unable to avoid these methods, you should seek help from a dermatologist.

Retinoid medication

Retinoid medication for cystic and other types of acne is effective for clearing up the skin. It is usually applied once a day to the affected area, but you can increase the frequency as needed. Topical retinoids come in cream or gel form, and they should be applied at night before you go to bed. Apply retinoids sparingly to avoid irritation, and wear a hat to protect your skin.

Final Supposition:

While retinoid medication for cystic acne is often effective, you must know the active ingredients that are in the cream or lotion. Retinoid creams, for example, can cause redness and itchiness. They are also harmful to your hair and clothing and should be used with caution. While antibiotics are an option, they should be used on a short-term basis because they may cause bacterial resistance.

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

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