How to Extend the Life of Your Betta

Now that we know how long these fish live in the wild and in captivity, we may begin to consider how to extend their lives. It’s actually fairly simple, and if you follow all of the suggestions below, you’ll increase their chances of living a longer and better life.

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Make Certain You Purchase a Healthy Betta:

When choosing your Betta, make sure it’s healthy (you don’t want to bring disease back into your tank). Purchase your fish from a well-known retailer. Avoid buying any fish with any of the following characteristics, as they may suggest that the fish hasn’t been properly cared for and is consequently agitated and unlikely to live long.

  • The color is light.
  • Fins that have been ripped or torn
  • Drooping eyes
  • Their bodies have been injured or scratched.

You should search for a fish that is:

  • Colorful (particularly if the recipient is a man)
  • Have bright eyes.
  • When you put your hand on the tank, it reacts.

Given that these fish are usually adults by the time they are offered in pet stores, it is also worthwhile to inquire about their age.

Keep them in a Tank That Is Appropriately Sized:

Betta Fish require a tank with a minimum capacity of 5 gallons. Bettas are frequently offered in cups or small 1 gallon aquariums when purchased from a pet store. Males are kept in these containers in shops because if they are housed in the same tank, they will fight. However, just because they’re sold in these containers doesn’t guarantee they’re the right size. You may have heard that because Bettas dwell in extremely shallow waters in the nature, a small tank is sufficient for them. This is absolutely not the case. Keep in mind that the shallow bodies of water in which they inhabit (in the wild) stretch for miles and miles, so you should keep this fish in a 5 gallon tank at the very least. You’ll probably need a larger tank if you’re maintaining a female as part of a community. If you’re not sure what size tank you’ll need, consider how many fish you intend to keep and what each species requires.

Separate the Males:

They have a reputation for being fierce and territorial, as we described previously. Wild species were raised to generate aggressive fighting fish just before the nineteenth century, which is how they received their name: Siamese fighting fish. Bettas were utilized as a type of entertainment, similar to cockfighting, in which they fought it out in tanks. Unfortunately, in Thailand, this is still a frequent practice. When two males compete for space in the wild, they will fight for a few minutes before one of them gives up and moves on to another region. Because they have nowhere to flee in a small tank, the fish may fight till death. Female fish are less aggressive and can be maintained together with caution if they are kept together.

Make use of a filter as well as a heater:

It’s a popular misconception that Betta Fish can withstand unheated unclean water because they live in rice paddies in the wild. Because the waters in Thailand are naturally heated as a result of the country’s climate, it’s critical to have a heater in your tank. They’re used to temperatures of 75-80 degrees Fahrenheit. It’s also critical to employ a filter. They can’t survive in contaminated, unfiltered water. A filter cleans the water by converting ammonia and nitrite accumulation into less toxic molecules, as well as keeping it aerated.

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

Articles: 15890

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