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How to Duplicate Slides in Microsoft PowerPoint 2019

You might be interested in learning how to duplicate slides in Microsoft PowerPoint. This is a great way to save time on your presentation. There are a lot of features in the program that make it very easy to create and share slides. You will find that you do not need to have any technical skills to be able to accomplish this task. It can all be accomplished with the click of the mouse.

The first thing that you will need to do in order to duplicate a presentation in PowerPoint is to find and save the template that you want but before that, you need to make sure Powerpoint is installed properly via /setup. There should be multiple copies of the template. Once you have saved your template, you are ready to get started. There are a few different ways to go about this. If you have not saved a copy of your PowerPoint presentation, then you will need to go to the File menu and select Export PowerPoint Presets. Here you will learn what each tab has for you.

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If you have created a new presentation and would like to know how to duplicate it, then you will start by clicking on the Create Slide. The Create Slide will prompt you with the choices that you will need to make in order to successfully create a duplicate of the slides. You will need to enter a title, select the background color, image theme, and text that you would like duplicated on the copied PowerPoint slides.

If you have PowerPoint 2007, then you will need to go to the Layout option on the main menu. The Layout button allows you to choose the layout of the slides that you are duplicating. There are four different layouts that you can choose from. You will be prompted with questions as you select the layouts that you want, such as, Show Title, Show Picture, and Show Text.

how to duplicate slides in Microsoft PowerPoint

If you have PowerPoint 2007 or later, then you need to go to the Panel option on the main menu. Under the Panel option, there is a button called Page Layout. On the Select Layout option, click the Layout button. This will display a dialog box with several choices. Choose the Layout option that corresponds to your presentation type.

Learn More About How to duplicate slides in Microsoft PowerPoint

To learn how to copy a PowerPoint slide, you will need to know how to zoom in and out. To zoom in, click on the Slide button on the toolbar. To zoom out, click on the x button on the toolbar. When you click either of these buttons, the picture that is drawn on the slide will be enlarged. The bottom part of the slide will become the new page.

In order to learn how to copy a PowerPoint slide, it is important that you have the latest version of Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 or later. Before you begin copying a slide, you should ensure that your computer is saved to a safe location. You can do this by clicking on the save button on the main menu. After saving the file to a convenient location, you should close all other programs and cookies that are installed on your computer. Now, you should have learned how to copy a PowerPoint slide.

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In order to start the copying process, you should click on the file that you would like copied. The file will then be moved into the temporary folder that is on your computer. Once the file has been moved to the temporary folder, you should right-click on it and choose the restore option. A new page will appear. Now, you should be able to view the newly copied slide.

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

Articles: 15902

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