How to Carry Pepper Spray: A Personal Protection Guide

Not sure how to use your pepper spray?

Getting pepper spray is a no-brainer if you need personal protection. Pepper sprays are inexpensive, with most options costing $40 or less.

Pepper sprays are small and easy to carry and use. It’s legal to carry across all states with some minor restrictions. After all, you can fend off multiple attackers without causing permanent damage.

The problem is the lack of training requirements for this self-defense product. You’re unlikely to know the best usage habits.

You must learn certain practices to better defend yourself. Read on for our guide on how to carry pepper spray.

How to Use Pepper Spray

Pepper sprays are for fending off an attacker. They can distract or incapacitate an assailant and give you time to escape.

However, pepper sprays have no guaranteed stopping power. An assailant can still grab, punch, stab, or shoot you.

The spray will also agitate them. Hence, they’re not as effective when your assailant is either drunk or insane.

Regardless, if you’re walking somewhere unsafe, have your hand on the spray and your finger on the trigger. Most spray canisters have an effective range of 3 to 10 feet. It depends on whether the spray discharges a mist or a stream.

When the situation arises, spray directly at the assailant’s face. Never spray it at a crowd in small spaces.

Be alert whenever you feel the need to use pepper spray. It helps if you grab the pepper spray fast. At the same time, it’s harder for an assailant to surprise you.

After spraying an assailant, avoid contact with them. The spray is oily and might transfer to you. After spraying, run away and call the police.

How to Carry Pepper Spray

It’s best to carry the largest-sized pepper spray around, as long as it’s practical and legal. Most 2 ounce canisters are 4 inches long, with a diameter of an inch. It’s small enough to clip it on a purse or belt.

If it’s somehow inconvenient or impractical, a pepper spray keychain may be ideal. It’s a good setup because you’re less likely to forget it.

You can also carry a pepper spray gun. Check out for more information about the best Mace pepper sprays around.

Avoid carrying pepper spray in your pocket unless you have no other choice. You’re unlikely to get the spray from your pocket fast enough. Another reason is you’re ikely to forget the spray, especially when changing your pants.

Remember, most physical assaults happen in a blink of an eye. Victims often have a second or two to react at most. Timing is a crucial factor in learning how to carry pepper spray.

Here are other great places to keep your pepper spray.

In a Purse

For women, it’s obvious to carry the pepper spray in a purse. However, most forget the right placement for easier access.

Never let the canister sit at the bottom together with your other things. Otherwise, you’ll take time finding and getting the spray. It’s enough time for an assailant to overpower you or steal your purse.

If you’re carrying it in a purse, clip the spray to the front of an inside pocket, divider, or flap. It’s still inside the purse while allowing you to easily access, pull out, and use it within seconds.

Hold the spray inside your purse as you’re walking. An ideal purse has a long strap slung over the shoulder. An assailant might hesitate if they see you’re prepared.

On a Fanny Pack

An alternative to carrying the spray in a purse is a small waist bag or a fanny pack. The belt of a fanny pack makes it ideal for clipping on a can of pepper spray. An assailant is also less likely to snatch off your fanny pack.

However, if you carrying a spray on a fanny pack, don’t make it too visible. You don’t want to lose the element of surprise. Conceal it with a coat, sweatshirt, or jacket to ensure no one can steal it.

On Your Belt

You can also clip the pepper spray can on your belt. Like with the fanny pack, never put the spray out in the open. Do your best to keep it hidden as mentioned above.

A tip for carrying pepper spray on your belt is to clip it upside down. You’ll find it easier to draw the can downwards from the belt. The upward motion is awkward, especially during dire situations.

Mind the positioning of the spray in its holster. It isn’t ideal for you to turn and reposition the can in your hand after drawing it. When you grab and draw the can, it should already be in the right position for immediate use.

Effects of Pepper Spray

Some describe the pain from getting pepper sprayed as a strong burning sensation. Most victims immediately fall on their knees on instinct. They’ll start rubbing their eyes, making it worse.

Be responsible since pepper spray also has a blinding effect. It’s best not to let your assailant fall downstairs or walk into traffic.

Pepper spray causes your attacker’s eyes to shut on instinct. You’ll sometimes need to pry eyelids open with your fingers. Don’t spray upwind or the spray will blow back on you.

If you get pepper spray on you, quickly rinse it off with cold water. An alternative is tearless baby shampoo to remove the oil.

Practice How to Carry Pepper Spray Today

Pepper spray is small and easy to use. However, practice the right way on how to carry pepper spray. Get the biggest, most practical, and convenient to carry.

Whether you’re clipping the spray in a purse or on a belt, prioritize rapid accessibility. Remember the tips we mentioned above. Practice drawing the can, raising it, and shooting in one fluid motion.

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

Articles: 15889

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