How To Become A Vegan: 7 Steps To Healthy Eating?

It is challenging in the beginning for anyone to adopt a vegan lifestyle. Quitting meat from your daily diet requires much more effort. It’s not just a change of eating habits; it’s changing the lifestyle after all.

In this article, you will learn what foods cause common cancers and how to become a vegan to stay healthy for years to come.

A Plant-Based Diet for Cancer

The protein in cow’s milk is 87% casein. Indian scientists experimented on two groups of rats. Both groups were given the same amount of aflatoxin (a cancer-causing substance). At the same time, the diet in one group of animals contained 20% protein, which is comparable to the usual level of its consumption in Western countries. In the second group, the diet contained only 5% protein.

Absolutely all animals in the first group got sick with liver cancer, in the second not a single rat got sick. What does this mean? Eating can neutralize the effects of even potent carcinogens and help reduce the risk of cancer. 

Besides, a simple adjustment of the number of animal proteins in the diet of rats allowed control over the growth of an existing tumor. At the same time, as experiments have shown, an increase in the consumption of plant proteins does not affect the course of the disease.

Easy Steps to Become a Vegan

Avoid animal products (meat, milk, cheese, and eggs). Give up sugar and starchy foods completely. The easiest substitutes for sugar are whole fruits and dried fruits.

Step 1: Determine What Motivates You

A vegan diet improves a person’s health; there is no doubt about it. But going vegan requires internal motivation. For those who regularly eat meat, it is difficult for them to go vegan all of sudden. But if you have set your mind, you can achieve anything.

When you start changing your diet, it is important to decide why you are doing it. If you have clear personal reasons and you are positive about change, you will succeed. A positive attitude is more motivating than negative thoughts generated by fear or suffering.

Step 2: Get the Right Knowledge About Healthy Eating

There are three main groups that all foods can be divided into whole foods, processed plants, and animal products. And the most useful is the first group. Most whole plants are rich in fiber, iron, protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, calcium, and other elements. Such a diet which is composed of these elements prevents and treats a wide range of health problems, including cancer.

Step 3: Break Away From Addictions

Those who have any addiction habits need to get rid of them for becoming a pure vegan. However, for those who just got out of alcohol treatment centers, eating meat regularly would be the last thing you should do. Because when a person quit using drugs or alcohol, his weights start to increase.

But if he becomes a vegan or a vegetarian; it will help not only to lose weight but also to regain health. Veganism helps a person to look younger and the skin looks fresher as these foods are enriched with vitamins and minerals. 

So, in the third step, you need to be careful about your past addiction habits. If you feel tempted to eat meat and not able to control the desire, then there are chances that you might return to your other previous addictions as well. Just like the old days. 

Step 4: Get the Support Of Loved Ones

To succeed in transitioning to a vegetarian diet, you need to satisfy your need for belonging: find support from the people you hold dear. It is extremely important and often prejudges success or failure. 

For example, it is extremely difficult for one of the spouses to radically change the diet if the other half does not help him. Explain to your loved ones why you decided to change the diet and why it is so important to you. Ask them to support or even get involved. As together there are more chances of success than doing it solely.

Step 5: Get Rid Of Junk Food

Take a day off to transform your kitchen. First, eat well so that you don’t get tempted by hunger in the process. Go through the cabinets, refrigerator, and freezer. Take out all the bad foods from there: butter in any form, margarine, candy, cookies, ice cream, white rice, chocolate, cream, milk, cheese, sour cream, meat, semi-finished products, and eggs. 

Get rid of foods with a clear added sugar as well. Avoid sports drinks, fruit juices, and soda. Once you get rid of these foods, only then you can focus on eating healthy food.

Step 6: Set Up A Two-Week Experiment

Once you have completed all the points above, you are ready for a two-week experiment. Make it through this time and you will experience all the benefits of being vegan. If you manage to allocate even more time, this is even better, because it will become convenient for you to eat in a new way. 

The difficulties of the transition period will disappear, and you will notice many more advantages. The health benefits are the best source of motivation, and it will come from working to improve your lifestyle.

Step 7: Shop For Healthy Foods And Find Vegan Recipes

After removing harmful products from the kitchen, you need to fill it with healthy food. Purchase these products: oatmeal, whole grain pasta, brown rice, whole grains (traditional, no additives), deli slices, beans, dates, potatoes, nuts, and any root vegetables like ginger, garlic, and onions. Prepare healthy breakfasts, lunches, and dinners.

Summing Up

Switching the diet completely to vegetables is not easy, therefore, be kind to yourself. If the process is becoming hard for you, take little steps for changing your eating habits like choosing one vegan day per week or swap the easiest foods first. Good health is integral to happiness. And nutrition should be the foundation of your efforts.

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

Articles: 15889

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