industrial design

How does industrial design consultancy transform ideas into products?

The industrial design process is the concept of converting ideas into products that can be mass-produced. The unit that executes this operation is the industrial design consultancy. Popular design studios like Future Factory offer the industrial design consultancy service specifically for industrial design.

Though the design is one of the key aspects of the product, it does not get as much appreciation and for the larger part goes unnoticed. It takes immense research and effort to design even smaller daily used objects like a pen, shoes, combs, etc. Even to design these things the industrial design consultancy teams spend a lot of time and energy to make them perfect for the consumers.

Operations of the Industrial Design Consultancy.

The main objective of the industrial design consultancy is transforming ideas into products. This is not easy as it sounds and there are a lot of different processes that go around between the idea and the final product. 

Research is one of the first processes that follow after the idea stage. Market research involves studying deeply about every aspect of the product that is to be designed. Good industrial design consultancy like future factory emphasizes a lot to research, covering every single aspect of it.

Strategic planning is generally the next step in the process of industrial design. The team sits together and develops a strategy that needs to be followed in the later stages of the process. It involves the plans on how to design and what to use based on the research that was carried out in the former stages of the process.

The next step is building prototypes, the plans developed are executed to build the prototypes of the product. Prototypes are generally of various types in terms of size and color. The prototypes help eliminate the bad designs of the product. Prototyping is hence one of the most important parts of the process.

After eliminating all the bad designs in the prototyping stage of the product, only a handful of final designs are picked for the testing phase. The products are tested in different testing stages. Initially, a group of only team members tests the product, and then in the later stages, a closed group of consumers is pickled to test the product’s performance in the real world. After only the final testing the product is released for mass production to the industries and hence completing the process for the industrial design consultancy. 

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

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