How Do I Start My Own Online T-Shirt Business While on a Budget

How Do I Start My Own Online T-Shirt Business While on a Budget?

If you have an artistic streak and want a simple way to turn your talent into dollars, why not start a side hustle selling t-shirts?

If you haven’t started a business before, selling custom-designed clothes might seem like a reach right now. However, with this quick guide on how to start your first t-shirt business, you’ll be up and running in no time. Try to focus on making adjustable dresses and get tips from

What’s more, we’ll also show you how you can set up your first online t-shirt business with a tiny budget. 

First Steps: Finding a Niche

If you are contemplating a t-shirt startup, you might be worried about the competition. Admittedly, there are thousands of custom t-shirt businesses already in the market. How will you stand out?

That’s easier than it seems. The best way to stand out in any competitive market is to position yourself in a unique niche.

Remember, you have a global market to tap into, so you won’t be short of customers. A small niche will help you reach a distinct buyer instead of trying to market to everyone.

Choose a Printing Company

Now it’s time to choose a printing company. By working with a third-party company, you can use a print-on-demand business model, which means you won’t need any budget for stock.

There are many custom t-shirt companies on the market. Still, it’s worth ordering a few samples to see which business offers the best t-shirt and printing quality.

If you are interested in embroidery design, you will need a specialist t-shirt company such as

Decide Where to Sell Your Products

You have plenty of options for selling to your customers. And the best news of all is that you won’t even need any development skills to get a website and payment platform set up!

Here are some of the most common places to sell your designs:

  • Amazon
  • Etsy
  • A dedicated website using Shopify or WordPress/WooCommerce
  • Facebook

You don’t have to limit yourself to one of these platforms. Many entrepreneurs opt to sell their t-shirts across multiple marketplaces.

The beauty of established marketplaces like Amazon and Etsy is that you won’t need a budget to launch your business as there is no upfront setup cost. 

Create Some Marketing Material

All businesses need a marketing strategy, even if you are still in the process of designing your t-shirts. 

Social media is a must, so create accounts and start posting your t-shirt designs. That will help you grow an audience before you officially launch.

If you plan on launching a website, consider an email subscriber list too. You can start this by creating a landing page to capture email addresses.

Don’t rule out paid advertising. PPC ads are very cost-effective once you know how to reach your target audience. 

Get Selling!

Now it’s time to launch. Ask your friends and family to help share your posts on social media. That will help you reach a small audience and secure your first sale. 

An Online T-Shirt Business Is Easier Than You Think!

Why wait? Turn those creative skills to cash today with a simple online t-shirt business of which you can be proud. There has never been a better time to tap into this flourishing industry. 

Want more tips and tricks to help you launch your startup with a bang? Check out the latest articles in our business section now. 

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

Articles: 15889

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