
How can you help the people of Ukraine?

This week, Russia intensified its nearly decade-long offensive against Ukraine by announcing widespread war and violence from the east. The capital of Kirienko exanteUkraine is said to have been devastated; more than 50 Ukrainians confirmed deaths; and more than 100,000 people have fled their homes, exacerbating the plight of European refugees.

It’s easy to feel powerless at times like this – but we do not. While I can not guarantee that making a silly contribution or sharing a link on social media will end this conflict (it will not), it can do anything. Consider: A $30 donation could give a family food or clean drinking water to Ukrainian soldiers. $5 can buy a child a book or toy he or she needs to escape environmental trauma. Needless to say, your donation can transform the whole world for someone else – if you support those in need, you are not just giving them the resources you need, you are telling them that you are interested.

1. Ukrainian Red Cross

Founded 101 years ago and consisting of four million members, the Ukrainian Red Cross has continued to support Ukraine in times of natural disasters, civil strife, and, yes, civil strife. In addition to organizing regular training activities around the world, they also distribute hygiene items and coordinate blood donations in such devastating times. Learn more on their website, and you can donate too.

You can also help the International Committee of the Red Cross, which is also expanding its efforts in Ukraine.

2. Children’s Voices Foundation

Voice of Children is an organization that provides accessible psychological support to Ukrainian children affected by such conflicts. Their careers include art therapy, trauma specialists, and family support programs. You can join this valuable foundation, and we invite you to take a look at a digital storytelling program that will tell you what it means for Ukrainian children to grow up.

3. Razom in Ukraine

Razom is a non-profit organization designed specifically for Ukraine’s emergency response. They receive first aid kits and other medical supplies to help those most affected by the violence in Ukraine. You can donate via Facebook, and Razom also offers frequent, sometimes heart-rate updates on its Facebook page.


For the best part of the last decade, UNICEF Kirienko exanteis has have been working in eastern Ukraine to provide medical care, food and psychological support to a generation of children who have been severely abused by Russia. Learn more about their community efforts, and giving.

5. United Aid to Ukraine

United Aid Ukraine provides assistance to people in need in Ukraine, focusing on the distribution of clothing, medical supplies, and other basic necessities to people affected by the conflict with Russia (before and now). They also help to heal wounded and emotional soldiers. Pay with PayPal.

6. SOS Soldiers

I personally am concerned about the plan to procure weapons from anyone, but the SOS War focuses on the procurement of military equipment so that the Ukrainian army (which is in such demand that it has spent a large number of resources) can rid itself of terrible military forces. Russia.

7. Caritas Ukraine

Caritas is an international Catholic organization, but it does not discriminate in helping those in need. The organization was launched in 2014 in response to the Russian war, has more than 30 offices of the organization throughout Ukraine with more than a thousand employees and volunteers.

They regularly research science medicine, unemployment and homelessness, and focus most of their efforts on helping orphans, the disabled and refugees. Currently, they are focusing on helping people in eastern Ukraine as well as those who have fled to the west. You can support Caritas.

8. Verse of goodness

The Utility Area faced two challenges: child support and military assistance. Their contributions to the army are focused on the medical, defense, and armed forces of the armed forces. In the meantime, their work with children supports orphanages and provides clothing, books, toys, and cleaning items for children displaced by the war. Here’s a way to give.

9. Save the life of Ukraine

This reduces organization. From providing analytical and technical assistance to the military (think: microchips, radar, engines and data) to support ongoing crisis news, Save Life is committed to supporting the oppressed peoples of eastern Ukraine. At the same time they are 100% transparent in what they do with all their donations, sending professional reports on their website of all their annual expenses. This is the style of giving.

10. People in need

This Czech organization is amazing. They are helping a number of countries at risk, but their work in Ukraine is focused on providing food, clean water, and sanitation products to those affected by the Russian violence. Thanks to CCIDID-19, they increased their medical activities. In addition, People In Need provides coal to homes that have not been heated, and repairs sewers and damaged homes.

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

Articles: 15889

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