
Horses and the most common diseases you need to look out for

Horses have occupied a prominent and an important place in society from time immemorial, as they signify royalty and pomp. 

From the ancient peoples in Greece to us today, there is something that captures our mind when we look at a horse. It is common to want to be able to ride and work with horses, and studies have actually shown that we are much more confident and balanced when we get to work with horses

But as always, it is important to understand that the horse is an animal, and as such, they can be harboring harmful parasites that can be dangerous to human beings as well, causing a range of diseases and illnesses in people. It is a good idea to insulate yourself from contracting such harmful diseases from horses by ensuring that you clean your hands and feet after coming in contact with them. 

Coming to the health and wellbeing of the horses themselves, there are many diseases that affect horses causing them to become ill and sick, rendering them incapacitated and can result in death.  

Let us look at some common diseases that you need to be mindful of if you own horses.


ThePetpractice says that this is a very common health condition in horses and is a type of digestive disorder that results in a stepped magnitude of stomach pain. The most severe occurrences of colic in a horse can actually result in it being euthanized. There are two common types of colic – one being impact colic and the second being spasmodic colic. Spasmodic colic occurs as a result of a buildup of gas in the digestive system resulting in pain to the horse. Impact colic occurs as a result of a logjam of horse feed in the digestive tract either because the feed is pretty dry or coarse. 

A horse suffering from pain as a result of colic will be rolling on the ground, trying to lie down, and perform motions directed towards its stomach. 

Degenerative Joint Disease:

This is a type of arthritis that results in the damage of the cartilage present in the joints of the legs of the horse. Due to this, the horse can even become lame. There is currently no cure for this disease, and only treatment remedies like physical exercise as well as corticosteroids exist. 


This is indicated by the inflammation of the laminae in the hooves of the horse. What this affects is the tissue that is responsible for attaching the bone of the leg to the wall of the hoof. This is a pretty serious issue, which can result in the horse going lame, and in the worst case, it can result in the horse being euthanized. This condition is typically seen in the front hooves of the horse, but can affect the four limbs as well.

It is important to pay attention to the behavior of the horse, as this will give you vital clues as to the disease that the horse is suffering from.

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

Articles: 15902

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