Here’s the Real Deal on Purchasing Disneyland Tickets from AAA

Purchasing tickets to this beautiful theme park can get expensive, but it doesn’t have to be. There are many different options that you can take to give your family a Disney vacation. However, AAA Disneyland Tickets are one of the most popular. That is because they are well known for promising that they can save you around thirty-five dollars a ticket. That sounds amazing! But what’s the truth behind the promises? Can this option truly deliver you the savings they claim they can, or is it all smoke and mirrors? The truth is that AAA can save you money, but there may be other options that work a bit better. In the end, it comes down to what you feel most comfortable with.

You Have To Be A Member

While this may seem an obvious requirement, many people don’t realize that you have to be a member to buy tickets. That misunderstanding leads to frustration, wasted time, and no one ends up happy. As a result, you need to sign up for AAA first, and if you are not planning on using the service, you’ve wasted money. However, AAA is still a good thing to have as it is functional.

A Less Costly Option?

AAA tickets are less than admission at the park. However, some options are still better suited to your needs and cheaper. For example, AAA promised to save you up to thirty-five dollars a ticket. Still, if you have active or retired military personnel with you, your local ITT office can save forty-five or fifty depending on what ticket you get. In some cases, such as five day passes, you could save almost a hundred or more.

Disneyland also works with affiliates. The trusted affiliates can help you save more than AAA can too. The bonus? You don’t have to be a member to do it. That sounds better, doesn’t it? In addition to this, they can offer special promotions for people to take advantage of. The one thing that you need to remember is that not all affiliates are genuinely associated with Disney. You need to ensure that you avoid getting scammed. Some companies claim that they are rightfully allowed to sell tickets when they aren’t, and you will have fraudulent tickets and lose money as a result.

If you need to find how to “shop the best ticket prices”, you can click here to learn more.

AAA Disneyland Tickets May Not Be Readily Available

When you need AAA Disneyland tickets, you want to know that you can get them quickly. One problem, however, is that if you live in a region that is the southeastern part of the United States, they may only have Disney World tickets, not Disneyland. While that isn’t a problem for everyone, it can be for families that want to see the two parks instead of four. Getting these tickets would be easier if you lived near the West Coast. Those who are farther away may not always have the option to do this, which is frustrating. Many could speculate that the four parks at Disney World are better, but if you want to go to the California option, you should have the chance to get the tickets you want. Unfortunately, AAA doesn’t consistently deliver when it comes to different regions.

This is another area where the ITT office or an affiliate would better utilize for your family. You can get tickets from anywhere, and there is no problem with getting help finding hotels either. ITT offices come with a travel agent so you can take care of everything at once and get a steep discount on tickets.

How Long You Stay Affects Your Price

When looking at AAA Disneyland tickets, knowing how long you plan on staying makes a big difference. You also need to determine how many parks you want to see in one day. The hopper pass is a ticket that lets you go back and forth between the parks as many times as you want, depending on the length of the ticket you purchased. However, if you only plan on seeing one park, there is no need for the hopper as it wastes money. If you are a family that prefers to do one park one day and the other the next, opt for the one park per day tickets. You can save at least fifty dollars or more depending on how many people are with you.

Many guests come with the notion that you can see both parks in a single day, but that simply isn’t true. Cars Land, for example, is located in California adventure and can have lined up to two hours or more. It is said that the best time to come here is suitable when the park opens to get a spot in line. Waiting two hours per ride is going to slow your day down more than you think. Another example is the show at the end of the night. It is Disney’s main event, and people find themselves getting a spot four to five hours in advance to get an excellent place to see it. That cuts into your time as well.

It is recommended that you take four days to see both parks. That lets you ride (hopefully) every ride and see all the shows, as well as meet your favorite characters and enjoy the activities the parks can offer. Each park has a plethora of different rides and interactive areas. Disneyland also has the hidden Mickeys, which people love to try and find. That takes a large portion out of your day as well.

The True Difference In Price

Look at these figures below when you want to know the difference in price between AAA Disneyland tickets and the cost at the gate to see what you are genuinely saving. We showcase the type of ticket you can purchase, the AAA price that you have the option of taking advantage of, and the price that you would have to pay at the front gate.

Ticket TypeAAA PriceGate Price
The 2-day one park each day$294$315
The 2-day hopper pass$235$255
The 3-day one park each day$300$330
The 3-day hopper pass$359$390
The 4-day one park per day$329$360
The 4-day hopper pass$385$420
The 5-day one park per day$349$380
The 5-day hopper pass$405$440

As you can see from the information in the chart above, the savings start small and it is only as the tickets get more expensive that you save more closely to the figures they promised. While twenty dollars or more is still significant, you only get to thirty and forty when you stay three days or longer. Remember that the longer you visit the park, the more you will see. In addition to that, these prices don’t include taxes.

Know When The Prices Rise

Disney raises their prices toward the end of February. The time to get your tickets at a lower price would be in January or at the latest halfway through February. The best part of this is that even if you buy the tickets at the beginning of the year, you can still go later. For example, purchasing the tickets in January doesn’t mean you can’t use them in November. You must ensure that you complete the process correctly.

Another great time to buy tickets is the end of April to early May. Spring break is over at this time, and students and families are back in school. That means the park gets slower, and prices go down. You are more likely to gain better deals and special promotions when this occurs. If you want to avoid crowding to make your family vacation more enjoyable, you should avoid these times.

  • Spring break
  • Christmas
  • Conventions
  • When they have a new ride or show
  • Specialty events
  • Holidays
  • New Years

Though we mention holidays, New Years and Christmas make that list because they are the two busiest. Avoiding them means you miss the decorations and particular areas, but you avoid waiting three hours in line for a ride. If you don’t mind the crowding, get your tickets in advance so that you save as much as possible and be sure that you stay enough days to see everything.

Will You Choose AAA Disneyland Tickets Or Another Source

As you can see, while AAA Disneyland tickets are an excellent option to take, they may not be the best option for you. However, it is still a valid option for saving money and helping your family have a delightful vacation meeting their favorite characters, and seeing what each park offers. There are many different ways to obtain AAA Disneyland tickets, including going to the office or logging into your account online.

When you do this, you should keep the examples and tips that we have given you here to save as much money as possible and give your family a vacation that they will remember forever. Whether you can save thirty, forty, or even a hundred dollars on your tickets, it’s a win-win. Get your tickets far in advance, and be sure to take advantage of the days when crowds will be thin!

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

Articles: 15889

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