Guide To Prepare Formula Milk.

Guide To Prepare Formula Milk.

After birth, a newborn must rely on a mother’s milk to get all the nutrients and energy required for its body to grow and cope with the new environment. Mother’s milk also has some antibodies that are transferred to the baby while feeding. These antibodies provide immunity against the common bacteria and other micro-organisms. However, in some cases, mothers cannot feed their babies. This can happen due to a number of reasons. The mother of a newly born may be suffering from a disease, or the milk being produced by the mother’s body might not be enough to fulfill the baby’s need.

In such cases, various alternatives such as baby milk powder or formula milk are available to help the baby feed and grow.

Formula milk is most commonly made from cow milk. It is treated and processed through a number of steps to make it fit for a newborn baby’s consumption. This type of milk is suitable for children up to 12 months of age. It is commonly available in powder form and can be stored for some time before use at optimum temperature. To better understand the process of preparing formula milk at home, follow the below-mentioned points:

-First of all, you need a clean bottle or container in which you want to prepare milk. Also, carefully check the expiry date of the baby milk powder before using it. If the powder is outdated or old, consider changing it because it can cause serious health issues for the baby.

-The containers should be clean and washed before use. Also, clean your hand and wash them with soap, then dry them before preparing the milk.

-If you are using a bottle to make milk, sure to sterilize the bottle as well as the nipple. Simply boil the bottle and nipple in hot water for a few minutes to completely sterilize them. You can also use a steam or electric sterilizer for this purpose.

-After all the preparations have been made and everything is set, start preparing the milk. Fill the bottle with water in the first step. You can use any kind of water to make the mixture. Simply boil the tap water for 15 to 20 minutes if the water is clean. In case you are concerned about the water in your area or the health of your baby. You can talk to your baby’s doctor about the water. Use the brand recommended by the doctor, or if the doctor advises using the normal water, you can also use that.

-When you boil the water, consider adding an extra amount as the water will evaporate when heated. It will cause the amount to reduce. Boil the water at 100 degrees Celsius for 10-15 minutes and then cool it to 37 degrees Celsius. 37 Degrees is the average temperature of the human body. The temperature of the milk should be just right for the baby. It should not be too cold or too hot.

-Measure the amount of milk powder before adding in the water and mixing. If you add a small amount of water, the mixture will become thick, and the baby will not be able to drink it properly. Also, too much water will cause the formula to become thin, and the nutritional value of the milk will decrease. Look for instructions on the powder cover box to know the correct amount of formula and water to mix to prevent any loss of the product.

-Finally, after mixing the water and powder, you can put the nipple on the bottle and give it to the baby for feeding but make sure that the temperature of the milk is optimum. Drop a few drops of the milk on the back of your hand to get an idea of the temperature of the milk.

-You can also store the milk after making it for future use. Store it in a cool and dry place after firmly closing the lid of the bottle. Also, prevent any light from coming in contact directly with the milk. 


Formula milk is a good source of nutrition for a newborn. But, make sure you use the correct brand of milk powder with good nutritional value for your baby’s health and growth. Carefully follow these steps to make formula milk at home anytime you need it.

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

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