6 Tips For Relevant Keyword Research For Beginners

Search engine optimization is the key to rank higher on the search engine result pages. This helps you get more traffic to your site compared to your competitors. This technique will help you to be more visible and it can help you to build your online identity by staying visible on the search engine ranking. In SEO, many different factors will play a significant role in the ranking process. Keywords are one of the essential things on the list.

Keywords are important factors when it comes to the search engine optimization game. Keywords are entered on the search bar to get the different results in the search engine result pages to pick the desired content. The keywords in SEO act like a magnet that will help you to extract the right content from the millions of web pages on the internet.

Finding the keywords that are relevant to your business niche is an important task before you do SEO. If you are new to the SEO business, you might be wondering where do the businesses get these keywords? We are going to discuss how to find the keywords and how to optimize the usage of them. To make one thing clear for you, is that without the correct keywords you will not be able to run a successful digital marketing campaign.

keyword research

Now the important question here is how can a person do it? In the following blog, we are going to tell you about some basic keywords finding tips that will help you in improving your SEO:

1-Understand What You Want To Find

Before you kick start the process of finding the keywords, you should map out what you want to find and why it is important to you. It is important to note that the keywords will assist you in targeting the right audience so they can find your content easily. Keeping this in mind, you have to start doing the required things after knowing your audience as well. For this, you should consider the following things:

  • Currently, who is buying your services or products?
  • The average income of your current customers.
  •  Age and gender of your current customers.

Once you are done determining the marketing persona, then you should ask yourself what will people be searching on Google? What kind of queries would they have in mind and what will they type to search for the relevant content? Remember that you have to keep such questions in your mind to move forward in your research process.

2-Identify Relevant Topics

Once you are aware of your target audience, now it’s time to brainstorm the topics that you are going to target. The ideas you are going to collect will not be the particular keywords but they will be providing your categories related to your keywords.

Just consider this as an example. If you are doing a business where you are selling different tools like shovels, hammers, and much more. Keeping this in mind, the few topics that will be in your mind will be construction, gardening, home maintenance, and woodworking.

During this, you should always keep these questions related to your audience in mind.

3-Search Keywords From Each Topic

You can’t ignore the keywords when it comes to SEO. As discussed above, these keywords are like magnet and they are very much essential for content relevancy. Once you are done in outlining the list of topics, then you have to start thinking about the keywords you are going to use.

To make you understand in a better way, just consider the above example. Picking up the woodworking, you should ask yourself a question about woodworking: what kind of queries people will have in their mind?

For your information, woodworking is related to shaping and building things from wood and you will come up with how to build X as your topic along with the X. Later, you can replace this X with the shelf, table, bird box, and much more.

After you are done listing the potential queries, then you can find out each topic and it will be the time to step into the important part of the research process.

4-Find Out Keywords You Are Already Ranking

This is interesting to note that even if you haven’t targeted any keywords, you will be ranking for some keyword on the SERPs. It will be a good idea to find those keywords for which you are already ranking. In this way, you can have a precise idea about the topics that are very relevant to your business.

Now, you might be wondering who you will find that you are ranking for any keywords? Well, one of the easy and simplest ways will be to use Google Analytics and this is totally free. You can also use various other tools that will help you to get a detailed assessment of the keywords present on your website. Some tools are free and some are paid.

Note that irrespective of the platform that you are using, you should identify some good keywords from your existing rankings. After that, you should add those keywords to your existing list.

5-Find Out Your Related Keywords

Without any doubt, you can brainstorm keywords all day but, in the end, the best and most reliable source for this task is to know what people are searching for on Google. Furthermore, the best way to find out the keywords will be getting yourself involved in the related keywords.

If two keywords are related to each other, then Google will try to understand and try to identify the search intent. For instance, if you are looking at the keywords like “cabinet making instruction”. One of the results that you will get is “how to build a wall cabinet”.

When you are trying to find related keywords, you can use various free keyword tools like Google Keyword Planner. 

6-Filter Your Keyword List

At this point, you will have a long list of keywords. You can’t use all in your process. Some will be good and some can be neglected because they will not be able to provide you a good amount of traffic.

You should only work on high-volume keywords. At this point, you should be paying more attention to the relevance and you should be using things like present ranking and relevant keywords. Now, you might be wondering what to do about the volume?

For your information, the search volume will be determining the amount of traffic received by a keyword. There is no point in writing the entire article on “birdhouse tips” and later to find that no one will be searching for that particular keyword.

To get rid of this problem, you can also use a tool like Google Trends, this will help you to see the search volume of a keyword over time. With this, you can clearly see if the keyword popularity is increasing or decreasing.

Filter out the list and remove all those keywords with less search volume. More importantly, you also have to keep a good balance of long-tail keywords and short-tail keywords to get the benefits. There is no need to keep all your keywords broad.


Keywords are a must for achieving success with SEO. The selection should be made carefully. You should use the tools and look at the relevancy of the keywords depending on your business niche. As a business, if you consider finding the keywords difficult, then you should connect with a professional SEO company for help. The experts will guide you in the right way and your website could end up ranking high on the SERPs.

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

Articles: 15902

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