Get to Know the Reasons Why You Should Use Poly Mailers

Poly mailers are a great way to protect and store your products. They’re lightweight, waterproof, and sturdy. They’re also eco-friendly!

Unwrapping a gift with a poly mailer is fun!

Opening a gift is exciting. The anticipation of what’s inside, the tearing off the paper, and finding out what you got are all part of the fun. Suppose you’ve ever received a package containing custom poly mailers. In that case, you know that it’s also possible to have that experience when receiving a package without opening up your gifts!

Poly mailers are a great way to store and protect your items and ensure they’re safe during transit. They’re also helpful if you want to surprise someone with a gift but want them to know what it is when it arrives at their doorstep!

Poly mailers are lightweight and sturdy.

Poly mailers are lightweight and sturdy. They can hold up to 30 lbs, which is perfect for mailing items that weigh more than a few ounces but not so heavy that you need something sturdier. If your item is delicate, poly mailers are also a good option because they’re strong enough to protect it from damage during shipping but not so tightly packed that they create pressure points on the product.

Poly mailers are also water-resistant and tear-resistant, which makes them a good choice for mailing items that might get wet or damaged during shipping. They’re also easy to fold and stack so that you can store them more efficiently than other packaging materials.

Poly mailers are waterproof.

Poly mailers are ideal for shipping liquids and food items because they’re waterproof. You can ship things like this without worrying about getting wet or breaking. If your packages are exposed to water, poly mailers will keep them protected.

Poly mailers are also great for protecting other types of items as well. If you want to send something fragile but don’t want it damaged during shipment, poly mailers can help keep your item safe from harm so that when the recipient receives their package, they’ll find it intact and ready to use.

Poly mailers are recyclable, eco-friendly, and made from recycled materials.

A poly mailer is a polyethylene bag. Poly is short for polyethylene, which is a type of plastic. Most plastic bags are made from petroleum and take hundreds of years to break down. Poly mailers are made from recycled materials and are environmentally friendly to nature. 

They’re easier to recycle than paper, so you can feel confident that your poly mailers will be used again in some form after they reach their destination (and then returned to you).


This post has convinced you to use poly mailers for your next mailing! Poly mailers are environmentally friendly, recyclable, and made from recycled materials. They’re lightweight, sturdy enough to protect your items during transit, and flexible so you can quickly wrap them around a gift. Plus, they come in many different sizes for all kinds of products. Whatever reason you have for sending out mailings (whether personal or professional), poly mailers will be perfect for the job!

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

Articles: 15902

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