Factors That Determine Amount of Compensation for A Personal Injury Claim

Factors That Determine Amount of Compensation for A Personal Injury Claim

If you have suffered injuries due to someone else’s carelessness, you may be entitled to compensation for your injuries. However, how much you receive depends on several factors. Such factors may include the extent of injuries to the particular rules of the court system in your area and your willingness to fight for what you deserve. Here are five essential factors determining the amount of compensation you can receive if you suffer an injury from someone else’s carelessness.

  1. The Severity of Your Injuries

The injuries you sustain in an accident can significantly determine how much money you receive. More severe injuries will take more money to cover, whereas more minor injuries like sprains and bruises will likely cost less. Generally speaking, your compensation award should be enough to cover any medical bills associated with lost wages from time off work. It may also include other out-of-pocket expenses like transportation costs or childcare fees if you have to miss work while recovering from your injuries.

Also, an extremely severe injury might mean that you cannot enjoy certain activities in life, such as playing with your children or working on hobbies. The loss of enjoyment of life could entitle you to additional compensation depending on how significant these losses are. You can try Trollinger Law Firm at affordable rates for maximum compensation for your injuries.

  1. Medical Expenses

The cost of treating your injury can be one of your most significant expenses. Hence,  any compensation you receive should cover these costs, including any future medical treatment that might be necessary. Medical expenses may include deductibles, co-pays, and additional care such as physical therapy or massage therapy. The cost of aids or devices used to treat your injury will also factor into how much money you receive in damages.

For example, if you have to buy crutches after an accident, you’ll likely want to receive compensation for those costs. Also, remember to keep track of all your medical bills and submit them with your claim. However, you need to hire a personal injury lawyer experienced in handling these cases to receive maximum compensation. They know what evidence to gather and how to present it effectively when filing your lawsuit and claim.

  1. Pain and Suffering

When an accident causes injury, pain and suffering are often unavoidable. It refers to mental anguish caused by an incident—and it’s not only experienced by those who are injured physically. For example, suppose you’re involved in a car accident that causes injuries to your neck and results in emotional distress because you were unable to attend your child’s recital on time. In that case, you could be eligible for compensation related to pain and suffering.

Similarly, if someone close to you is killed or seriously injured in an accident, it can cause significant emotional trauma. In these cases, pain and suffering can add up quickly! A reliable lawyer will help determine how much compensation you should receive for pain and suffering based on your situation.

  1. Lost Wages and Limitations of Future Potential Income

When you suffer injuries in an accident, you may miss work or lose wages. Your injuries could also limit your future potential income if they make it impossible to pursue specific career paths. For example, let’s say you are injured in a car accident and can no longer perform construction work. You had planned on using your hard-earned skills as a tradesman to start your own contracting business one day, but now that is all overdue to your injury. The compensation you receive from your injury case will help you recoup some of these lost wages and future income.

  1. Degree of Negligence

A personal injury lawsuit may depend on negligence or failure to use reasonable care. Liability may depend on how much fault or blame is attributable to each party. The degree of negligence can be slight, ordinary, gross, or willful. Generally speaking, the higher the degree of negligence, the more compensation you’ll receive in a settlement.

For example, if someone accidentally hits your car with their own while backing out of a parking space, they would likely only be held liable for slight negligence. However, if someone intentionally tries to run you over with their car, they would probably be responsible for gross or even willful negligence and thus pay out more money.


If you suffer injuries in an accident, it’s essential to have professionals handle your claim. A reliable personal injury lawyer understands both personal injury law and insurance companies. The amount you receive as compensation will depend on several factors, including whether or not you were wearing a seatbelt at the time of impact, if someone else was at fault, what injuries you sustained, and any other extenuating circumstances. Working with an experienced attorney familiar with all these elements makes it possible to achieve maximum compensation for your injuries. The payment can help cover medical bills and other costs related to recovering from your injuries. Don’t wait until too late!

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

Articles: 15889

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