Ever Experienced Sore Throat Due To Air Conditioners? Here’s Why!

Both heating systems and air conditioners have become such an integral part of our everyday life. Thanks to climate change, today, there are many regions where it is almost impossible to spend a summer without entirely relying on air conditioning. 

But the main question here is, if air conditioners can cause any harm to our health? In the long term, air conditioners can cause some severe complexities, even if they are regularly maintained via professional Aircon Service Adelaide or other similar providers. But in the short term, it is the sore throat that we get after sitting in an air-conditioned room for a prolonged period. 

But why and how can an air conditioner give us a sore throat? Let’s find out.

Here’s Why Your Air Conditioner Gave You A Sore Throat!

  1. Ineffective Maintenance Of The Air Conditioning System

When it comes to air conditioners, it becomes very important to keep the air ducts and air filters clean at all times. 

This is because these components are responsible for trapping dirt and allergens present in our rooms, but what goes in must also come out, and if we fail to keep these components clean, then the dust will be blown back into the same room. Therefore always make sure to clean the air ducts and air filters at least twice a year. 

  1. Poor Installation

Be it stagnant air or stagnant water, both are known for being the ideal breeding ground for different bacterias. Therefore, when our air conditioners are not installed properly, it fails to circulate the air adequately throughout the room. This can result in many dust particles accumulating in the room, leading to a sore throat. 

In addition, if the air conditioner fails to circulate the air effectively, it can also result in other respiratory issues. Therefore, get your air conditioner checked by Aircon service Adelaide and ensure that it is installed correctly.  

  1. Leak In The Ductwork 

One of the most common problems with almost every air conditioning system is that small punctures and leaks begin to develop in the ductwork over time.

Such minor leaks can act as a gateway for dust and debris as the ductwork is responsible for transporting air to the HVAC system and then distributing the same throughout the room. As we start to breathe this contaminated air, the dust particles can end up in us causing irritation in the nose and throat, ultimately leading to a sore throat.

  1. Closed Vents

Vents are responsible for restricting interaction between the outdoor and indoor air as it seals the room from the outside resulting in the same air circulating in the room. 

Since the air has been trapped for a while, it can begin to grow stagnant and collect dust or enable bacterias to breed. In such a case, one can either call Aircon Service Adelaide or open the vent for a while to allow the exchange of some fresh air, which will bring in a new supply of healthy air for the air conditioning system.    

Final Thoughts

These are some of the primary causes why sitting in an air-conditioned room can sometimes result in a sore throat. Therefore, keep the pointers mentioned above in mind to avoid such complications by keeping the air conditioner clean and well-maintained. Lastly, don’t forget to seek professional help for Aircon Service Adelaide, when your machine starts working abruptly. 

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

Articles: 15885

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