Learning Vedic Vastu

Essential Tips of Vastu Shastra

Vedic Vastu Shastra comes from Indian culture, the motive behind this Vastu astrology is peace and happiness. Vastu shastra  “architecture science” is a traditional Indian architectural framework. Principles of layout, design, measurements, ground construction, space order, and spatial geometry are defined in Indian texts.

Vastu Shastra depends on analytical science, not on any assumptions. Several people claim that Vastu astrology is all about assumptions but they don’t know the fact behind this. However, if you believe in Vastu shastra you come to a flawless place because this science is inevitable. 

Vastu Shastra affects a space and allows positive energies to flow into it. The best thing is it is very simple to learn, you just need to follow some instructions. Numerous people make a career in this all over the world, if you want to learn or have a doubt about Vastu astrology you can go with Best Vastu Shastra Courses Online.   

Vastu astrology gains strength from five imperative elements of nature such as Fire, Earth, Sun, Moon, at last Air ( Fire energy, earth gravitational force, solar power, lunar power, at last, wind energy). The calmness, cheerfulness comes with the help of these five basic elements. You can say that It is the power of nature. 

Learning Vedic Vastu

If you’re going to build a home then, you can go with Vastu shastra. Now, below are the six major tips that you need to know for the betterment of life such as: 

Sleeping Rule

As per Vastu shastra, the leg should be in the north direction and head towards the south direction, of course. If you don’t follow such guidelines it can be the reason for bad dreams, health, and lack of happiness in your life. 

Turning head towards the east direction then, it will be good for students, consequently, positive energy is restored. If you want to learn the concept behind this you can go with several online courses. 

Bedroom Direction 

The direction of the bedroom should be in the south and east direction, on the other hand, the entrance of the bedroom whether it is the master or children’s bedroom should be towards north and east. 

The bedroom is the place where you feel free, relaxed, and spend a lot of time. You spend almost half of your life in the bedroom, so it is essential to know the accurate direction of that. 


The kitchen is the heart of the house, so creating a kitchen in an accurate direction is foremost. The kitchen should be in the north and east parts of the house, it is for peace and prosperity. The kitchen is known as the ruling element because of fire. 

You need to avoid the kitchen location above the bathroom and prayer room. If you do this you will be happier. 

Prayer Room 

The prayer room is an essential part of the home. The god pictures can only be placed on the eastern side here. Remember, it is important to pray with a face on the eastern side. 

It is not a good idea to construct your prayer room underneath the stairwell. The storage room can be found under the stairwell. 


Learning Vedic Vastu is good, many people learn from numerous Vastu shastra courses. You can choose the Best Vastu Shastra Courses platform as per your research. 

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

Articles: 15889

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