Understanding the Dangers of Blind Spots

Driving Safety: Understanding the Dangers of Blind Spots

You know that intense, heart-pounding adrenaline rush when you narrowly avoid an accident? It’s terrifying.

No matter what vehicle you’re driving, you have blind spots where you can’t see if anything is near your vehicle. One of the easiest ways to avoid near misses and collisions is to be aware of your blind spots and know how to check them.

Here are some specific places you’ll find blind spots while driving and how you can minimize your risk and that of other drivers or pedestrians.

Changing Lanes

Blind spots are the sections of space around your vehicle that your rearview mirror and your side mirrors don’t show you. These spots are bigger when you have a bigger vehicle. Because of the angles of the mirrors, they can’t help you see everything, so it’s important to look before you move your vehicle.

Any vehicle has blind spots, especially large trucks. These blind spots can cause vehicle accidents and even vehicle fatalities. If you’ve already been in an accident, you may need to hire a local law firm to help you.

While driving on the highway on in the city, you’ll have to switch lanes. It’s important to head check before you change lanes to make sure there aren’t any cars in your side blind spots.

Blind Spots While Reversing

The area behind your vehicle is also a blind spot. Your rearview mirror can’t see the area directly behind your vehicle, and the space is larger if you have a larger vehicle, up to 50 feet or more. This is one of the leading causes of pedestrian accidents.

Before you back up, walk around the back of your vehicle so that you know no one is there. Pay attention as you’re getting your seatbelt on and getting others in your car situated, because there may be pedestrians walking behind your vehicle during this time.

If you have an extra-large blind spot, it helps to have an adult passenger get out and help you back up. They can verify there are no dangers behind you and that it’s safe to reverse.

You can also consider having a backup camera installed. Many newer vehicles come standard with this option, but base models and older vehicles don’t have them. If you would feel safer with a backup camera, there are aftermarket options you can buy.


Another main cause of blind spots is obstacles in your way that block your view. These can be signs, trees and shrubbery, and even people or buildings.

In the city or the country, most often the place you need to see is at an intersection. At a stop sign, you need to see if there is traffic coming to determine whether it’s safe to drive ahead. At a traffic light, you also need to see to know if you can turn right on red or whether pedestrians are crossing.

If you are the landowner in the country, pay attention to when your trees or shrubbery may be getting too large. You’ll need to keep them trimmed back to keep drivers safe.

Blind Spot Safety Tips

Being aware of your blind spots is the first step in being a safe driver. With the information above, you can be conscious of others on the road and where the dangers lie. Use the tips above to drive carefully and watch for people and obstacles in your blind spots.

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

Articles: 15902

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