
Self-care for diabetics

Diabetes is a condition in which the body cannot process sugar, as it either does not have produce enough of the hormone insulin, or simply cannot produce any. Insulin sensitivity can also occur, in which insulin is not easily absorbed by the body. 

As a result, the excess sugar stays in the blood stream, and is a very dangerous state. Patients suffering from diabetes then either have to take medicines or inject insulin into their bodies so that the sugar is absorbed into the cells to remove the excess sugar from the blood stream.

Chronically high sugar levels can do a lot of damage to the body. They affects the nerves, leading to a condition known as diabetic neuropath, which can be very severe and debilitating in certain cases. High blood sugar levels are also bad for the kidneys. Similarly, high BSL also affects blood vessels, the heart, eyes etc. 

However, it is also possible to live a relatively healthy life with diabetes, the only caveat is that you have to take care of yourself. The most important step for that is controlling sugar levels. You can work with the best Internal Medicine specialist in Lahore in regulating the sugar levels.  

When you take steps to take care of yourself, the impact of diabetes is also then moderated accordingly. Some things to do include:

Watch you weight 

Obesity is a risk for so many diseases, including diabetes. It is therefore crucial for diabetics to maintain a healthy weight, as they already have propensity towards other chronic illness. Thus, lose the excess weight if your overweight or obese, and a diabetic.

Shedding the extra weight is helpful for managing diabetes. Weight loss is also effective for lowering glycated hemoglobin levels. 

Eat well for wellness 

Diet plays a pivotal role for the diabetics. Since the body has difficulty processing sugar, make sure that you do not eat too much at a time. Make a nutrition target chart for yourself, so that you moderate your sugar intake. 

Get rid of the unhealthy and processed food in your life. Instead, opt for fresh fruits and vegetables that offer nutrition instead of empty calories. 

A helpful tip is the diabetes plate method. In it, divide your plate into 3 parts; 1 section is for non-starchy vegetables, 1 section is protein and the remaining is grains and starch.

Exercise is essential 

Exercise is helpful in maintaining blood sugar levels. It also protects the heart and the blood vessels as well. According to research, exercise also aids in reducing insulin sensitivity as well.

Moreover, exercise also helps with weight management as well.  Thus, make sure that exercise is a permanent in your life. Even as little as 10 minutes a day is great for diabetics. You do not have to pump iron at the gym to get better; something as easy as a brisk walk through the park is just effective. 

But be sure that your sugar does not drop to dangerous levels before the exercise. Take a bottle of juice or compact snack like dates that will give a quick hike to your BSL. 

Be vigilant about your eyes

People might not realize that the diabetes also affects the eyes. Uncontrolled blood sugar levels can lead to diabetic retinopathy, a condition in which retina is gets damaged, and can eventually lead to blindness as well. 

Similarly, diabetics have a higher risk of glaucoma as well. Thus, alongside controlling BSL, diabetics should also schedule regular visits to the eye-specialist to ensure that if anything is amiss, it can be caught in time. 

Give your feet care

Due to diabetic neuropathy, not only can feet be gravely affected but wound healing is also reduced in the diabetics as well. Therefore, do not neglect your feet. Keep them clean, take care of the wounds, notice and report any lesions etc. to your doctor.  

Regular monitoring of the BSL

Regular monitoring of blood sugar levels helps patients realize if their treatment is effective. Those who take insulin can also regulate its intake accordingly. Charting of the BSL also makes it easier for doctor to manage the disease better. 

Glucose meters are easily available, and patients can monitor their BSL at home, without any inconvenience. 

Medicate on time 

Managing diabetes is a combination of medicating on time and eating well. If patients are negligent of their medicines, their treatment will not be as effective as possible otherwise. It also will increase risk of disease-induced complications. 

Thus, realize that not taking the medicines is not an option. 

Smoking needs to go 

Smoking already increases the risk for heart disease and other chronic ailments. Diabetics who smoke, naturally, have their risks amplified. So, whether it’s run of the mill cigarette or the e-cigarettes, both have to go. 

Be in contact with your doctor 

Diabetics should be in contact with their doctor, so their condition can be monitored closely. Regular visits to the doctor can help with the adjustment of the medication. Expert will also look for any other diabetes-induced complications. 

Schedule regular visits to the Best Internal Medicine Specialist in Islamabad to make sure that your body is doing well. 

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

Articles: 15889

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