Conversion rate optimization – a great way to get more sales for your eCommerce store

E-commerce has become the new direction for many businesses and retailers amid the current pandemic. And perhaps with the popularity of electronic devices such as computers or mobile phones, along with the fear of going to brick-and-mortar stores to buy in person, e-commerce will go even further. again. But that is an overview of the development of an entire field. 

Looking a little closer from the side of those who are directly maintaining the stores or webshops, it can be seen that the competition is getting fiercer. If you want to get more sales for your eCommerce store, yours must be truly different. I’m talking about stimulating conversion rates, which is not new to anyone who is working in this industry. Here are a few of my strategies to make your sales more effective and customer visits profitable.

What is the conversion rate? And why is it necessary to optimize this ratio?

Let’s start with what is considered the basis of this entire article: Conversion rate.

This rate simply reflects the percentage of customers that take the desired action on your website. Depending on the goals set by your business and the researcher, this ratio can be expressed as:

  • Percentage of people visiting your website
  • Percentage of users adding a product to their cart/favorite list
  • Percentage of email subscribers to receive notifications from your store
  • Percentage of customers sharing on social networks

And when studying sales, conversion rate determines the percentage of website visitors who purchased something from your online store (during a certain period).

And next, depending on the KPI that has been set, each business and store will have different conversion rate targets. In my opinion, an optimal conversion rate would be 2% or more, which means for every 100 visitors that will bring you two checkouts.

So why is it so important to optimize this metric? Oh, I think this is understandable.

First, orders are profitable. Every business or store owner wants their customers to end the process of walking around and looking at the products by pulling out their wallets and completing the checkout process.

Second, a high conversion rate shows how effective your work is. Everything fits together from store layouts and product launches to advertising your e-commerce store and social networking to turn them into marketing channels.

Third, optimizing this parameter gives the seller savings. The same capital is spent on advertising your e-commerce store but you can attract a large number of customers. This makes it easier for you to rotate your capital to continue to reinvest in your business, improve brand awareness as well as build yourself a loyal customer base from previous potential customers.

Strategies to optimize conversion rates in e-commerce

With that basic knowledge, I’m sure many readers have been building their interesting ideas to attract their customers to shop. So I will help you with a few suggestions below!

Set specific goals (KPIs)

For me, there is a saying that has become a maxim when I start building any e-commerce store: “Slowly but surely”. Don’t get me wrong. I don’t mean a delay in keeping up with the trends of the market. I mean you need a foundation, a concrete plan to do your job. Or at least we’ll have something to collate with once we’re done, right?

For faster and more effective conversion rate optimization, you can also apply the way of setting specific goals (KPIs) and based on that, appropriate strategies. When you have a goal and a plan, your business will quickly get in the way.

Website interface optimization

The web interface is the first thing that customers notice when visiting an e-commerce store.

To simulate the behavior of customers on the website, you need to impress them at first sight with an eye-catching interface system, with a clear and professional layout. In addition, adding elements that attract customers’ attention such as buttons, information pop-up frames, videos, animations, etc. is also a way to get more sales for your eCommerce store.

Focus on content, build an attractive and professional content system

Content Marketing strategies in a website are always the best and most effective strategies to attract customers. And of course, it also helps to increase the conversion rate thanks to the volume of customers searching for your business through SEO keywords, article content.

According to the numbers that show that providing valuable quality marketing content to your customers helps your website:

  • 3x the number of customers compared to other paid advertising campaigns;
  • Your website builds brand trust with customers;
  • Likely to lead to a nearly 600% increase in average conversion rates (for companies that don’t use content marketing).

Thus, for customers to stay on your website longer, continue to view pages and other articles, you need to build yourself a solid, attractive, professional content system. Of course, not all content marketing is effective or increases conversion rates quickly. You need to focus on the right potential customers, help them solve problems related to your niche, create valuable content about your brand’s products or services, and countless other content. related, similar to addressing the different needs of customers.

Often content marketing will not directly convert you immediately, but the benefits and value of content will help you get potential customers who are likely to buy from you soon. So to be able to generate more effective conversions for your web content, you can create reviews or promotions that help you gather customer data and recommend products that work best for them.

Use “call-to-action”

Another way to increase the conversion rate of the website quickly is to use the “call-to-action”. Usually, call-to-action is often used in the following forms:

The button calls, has color, reasonable design, attractive. Click on the link to purchase or register for customer information

Text calls, that is, words that you use to call customers to take action such as calling, contacting, registering for services right away.

In addition, call-to-action is also combined with prompting factors, deadlines (such as action deadlines, the limited number of customers to buy products, limited goods …)

Pop-ups development

You can display popups in different places during the customer’s visit to your website. Popups can appear as soon as they enter your site, after a scheduled time or when they take a certain action, or when they are about to leave your site. Showing a popup as soon as a customer lands on the page can get you more emails, but it can also backfire by annoying the viewer. 

Many experts have said that receiving a lot of emails from this form is often of low quality because many people have not had enough time to explore your page and feel your brand and products will be a good fit. suit them. This can completely lead to poor quality email lists with many people quickly unlinking emails.

Besides, choosing the right content is quite difficult. Just like creating any other form of advertising, your visuals need to be eye-catching and interesting, the content should be straight to the point and provide a clear benefit with a strong call to action. Lots of new and loyal customers turn off pop-ups as soon as they see them, so you only have 1 second to grab their attention and deliver exactly what they love.

Optimize conversion steps in the checkout

If your website already has enough functionality and aesthetics to attract customers; The content on the website has also provided full information and value to customers; quality products, good reviews are also available on the website;

If the payment process is not streamlined, everything you do will not work.

According to Baymard research, up to 28% of customers have abandoned payment because the payment processes are too complicated or have to go through many different steps. 

Difficulties in the checkout process can deprive you of many customers

Many websites require membership registration to be able to purchase. We should not do it this way, let’s allow them to purchase as a guest, or you can create a quick login via social networks.

Besides, you should minimize the information to fill in the registration form when making a purchase, only ask to fill in the necessary information so that you can complete the transaction.

We should give our customers an enjoyable checkout experience, but always make sure it’s as simple and quick as possible.

Diversity in payment and shipping options

Users will appreciate it if a website has many forms of payment. Therefore, you need to consider which payment methods are preferred by your target customers, so that you can better serve the needs of your customers.

In your shipping options, you should also give customers a choice between price and convenience, which means that customers can pay extra if they want the item delivered quickly or free shipping in exchange for the delivery in a long time.

Re-engage customers who have left

It’s not uncommon for potential customers to fill their shopping carts and suddenly leave your website without taking the last step in their buying process. There are many reasons for them to leave, but you can do the following to make them come back to buy.

  • Identify why they left, find ways to fix that problem if possible;
  • Offer attractive promotions by advertising remarketing (Remarketing), Email marketing;
  • Consolidate and re-enhance the quality of your products through the above methods.

Your customers are only lost if you give up taking care of them. It can also be understood that as long as you have the right offer, following their needs, they will quickly become loyal customers.

Dedicated support

You need to know that customers have a lot of different questions, so sometimes you will come across a few questions, without a satisfactory answer, you will most likely lose the opportunity to generate new customers. Therefore, you should consider providing 24/7 support through different channels. You may need to have a customer care person available via email, social media, direct phone calls, etc.

Your website must also ensure that contact information is easily found, minimizing steps in the search process; You can also use automated questionnaires or helpdesk software. Customers will trust your brand more if their answers are answered promptly, thereby the rate of customers paying for your products and services will be higher.

Data security

Satista’s report shows that up to 17% of people abandon their shopping cart during checkout because of website security concerns. Therefore, to drive output in conversions (abandonment in completing cart checkout), you need to prove that your customer’s data is protected. This depends on the field in which you have different proofs.

This is a prerequisite you need to do when creating an e-commerce site, if they cannot trust you, there is no way for them to spend money to buy your product or service.

Re-platform e-commerce store

E-commerce strategies are all very reasonable, right? But they will only really work if your store is built on the right foundation.

You also need to pay attention to customer feedback or the amount of maintenance your site requires to determine if it’s time to migrate to a new platform.

With the help of shopping cart migration, you don’t need to worry too much about the complexity of the work you have to do. Prominent in this field can be mentioned Next Cart with a team of dedicated, experienced professionals, ready to support you 24/7 for 365 days a year. The service’s standard 3-step process allows you to migrate large volumes of data in a short time. This is an e-commerce strategy you should also consider if you want to boost your store’s conversion rate.

Closing Thought

E-commerce has become a more competitive playground than ever before. You need a specific strategy if you want your store to stand out from your competitors.

Do you know any other methods to get more sales for your eCommerce store? Don’t hesitate to share with us!

Thanks for reading!

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

Articles: 15902

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