Categories Of Tobacco Products

Tobacco usually comes in various forms, such as cigarettes, cigars, pipes and chewing tobacco.
Other forms include cigarillos, e-cigarettes, snus or tobacco touches, tobacco strips, orbs or water
pipes. Smoking is one of the ways people indulge in tobacco and feed their nicotine addiction.
There are other methods like chewing tobacco and replacement e-cigarettes but it's estimated that
close to 1 billion people smoke tobacco across the globe.

However, smoking tobacco has very many health factors, and smokers inhale a lot of chemicals
in a day when they just take one puff of tobacco. One of the biggest import tobacco companies is
Toro imports where they have a wholesale smoke shop where you can buy different types of
tobacco that goes with what you like. Tobacco has multiple ingredients and they include
Benzene, cadmium, arsenic, lead and hexamine. However, smoking can cause multiple types of
cancer like nose, mouth, trachea, liver and stomach cancer.

Types of smoked tobacco products

1. Cigarettes

A cigarette is a roll of tobacco, and it is reserved for nearly all products rolled in thin paper or
anything else that doesn't have tobacco in it. Cigarettes are the most widely spread form of
tobacco and are more dominant in developed countries. When you light up a cigarette, you emit a
chemical reaction called combustion.

2. Cigars and pipes

Cigar and pipe smokers usually claim that they are avoiding the worst health hazards of enjoying
tobacco by actively avoiding cigarettes which they perceive to be the worst type of nicotine
delivery system. The common excuse that cigar and pipe smokers usually have is that when they
smoke cigars and pipes, they are avoiding the 20-30 Average cigars that cigarette smokers
consume in a day.

3. Hookahs

Hookahs pose the same danger to your health as cigarettes, and an average hookah session lasts 1
hour. Tobacco in hookahs is heated by charcoal, and studies suggest that this technique puts
smokers at risk of inhaling more carbon monoxide and heavy metals, as well as nicotine.

4. Bidis and clove cigarettes

Bidis are found in India and are hand-rolled. The tobacco is covered in a tendu or temburni leaf
native to Asia. They can also be flavoured or unflavoured. Clove cigarettes are from Indonesia,
and they usually contain 60% tobacco and 40% cloves. They are banned in the US because of the
blanket ban on flavoured cigarettes.

5. Dissolvable tobacco

This type of tobacco has been processed to dissolve on the tongue or mouth. Varieties consist of
strips, sticks, orbs and compressed tobacco lozenges. They are also smoke and split-free and are
held together by food-grade binders, and they also resemble a breath mint or candy.


All smoking tobacco commodities bring health factors, and none is safer than the other. All of
them contain harmful substances that create toxic chemicals when they burn and most of them
have a highly addictive drug called nicotine. One of the best ways to eliminate and do away with
smoking is to stop smoking tobacco.

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

Articles: 15889

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