Can psoriasis be treated via Ayurveda?

Skin conditions can be a troublesome hindrance to anyone, and dealing with such issues is not easy. In today’s fast-paced world, stress, pollution, cosmetics, improper lifestyles, and more can cause any skin condition to be aggravated. Psoriasis, a persistent skin condition, is one of the most challenging of them all.

Psoriasis is mentioned in Ayurveda and is called “Kithibha,” which refers to an auto-immune disorder. Ayurvedic treatment for psoriasis is recommended by many healthcare providers, as it is the most effective treatment that prevents further irritation.

The disease causes plaques, which can be itchy, thick, red, and cause extreme irritation. Psoriasis can happen amongst all types of skin and can be of various types. It occurs between the ages of 15 and 35 most often but can begin to develop at any age. The most agitating symptoms are itchiness and sore red skin. Psoriasis can affect the scalp, palms, or soles, causing inflammation and scaly skin. These scales are whitish and develop on the reddish patches, which can crack and bleed.

How psoriasis affects a Person

The natural skin formation process involves skin cells nurturing the deeper tissues and rising to the top slowly when they have served their purpose. After this, the fall off and the general life cycle of this process is one month. Psoriasis is a result of accelerated skin production. The production of skin cells with psoriasis usually occurs in 5 days, leaving them deprived of time to fall off. This leads to rapid overproduction of skin cells, causing build-up.

Though the symptoms differ, in each person, the following symptoms are commonly noticed with someone suffering from psoriasis patches of inflamed skin, plaques or scaly skin, cracked and bleeding skin, sore patches, itching or burning sensation around these patches, thick nails, swollen joints, stress-triggered flare-up and so on.

How does Ayurveda help with psoriasis?

Ayurvedic treatment for psoriasis has been around for a long time and is proven to be effective for deep nourishment and healing. Ayurveda describes Kithibha as a disorder that is caused by toxins in the blood, which accumulate due to unresolved emotional turmoil, stress, inappropriate diet, and lifestyle and can also reflect imbalanced doshas.

Some of the most popular Ayurvedic treatments for psoriasis include:

  1. Shodhana Chikitsa: Detox Therapy

The first stage of healing is the detoxification of the blood. Ayurveda practices specific Panchakarma purgation treatments like Rakta Mokshana, Virechana, and others. The affected person is lubricated externally and internally to loosen the stored up toxins. As they loosen up, they begin to move through the alimentary canal and eventually outside the body. For internal lubrication, oils and fats like clarified butter or ghee are used since they suit most body types. Various herbal oils can be used as well. Patients are also asked to sweat out the toxins or vomit to clear internal toxins.

Shamana Chikitsa: This part of treating psoriasis involves using oral herbal medicines and topical herbal concoctions to manage the symptoms like inflammation, dry skin, and scaly skin. The concoctions are designed to detoxify the patient’s blood and lymphatic system and try regulating hormones, metabolism, and imbalanced doshas.

Rasayana Chikitsa: Patients are instructed to take rejuvenating, immunomodulatory herbs such as Ashwagandha, Haritaki, Guduchi, Brahmi, Triphala, and Shatavari, which are high in antioxidant properties. These try to improve immunity and control the auto-immune imbalance during this phase of the Shamana procedure. This stage of treatment aims to halt the progression of the disease.

  • Diet Management

A very important aspect of managing any disorder, including psoriasis, is to form a healthy diet. Many studies show that patients who were on vegan, high-protein, or paleo diets showed detectable improvements in managing symptoms. Eating unhealthy foods can irritate and aggravate itchiness, causing irresistible urges to peel itchy skin, increase Vata Kapha and cause more damage, making it harder to control the symptoms.

Ayurvedic treatment involves managing your diet and recommends avoiding a diet that includes:

  • Overly salty, sour, sweet, or fermented foods.
  • Acidic foods
  • Diary products
  • Baked goods, whey or refined flours
  • Fast food, processed and oily food
  • Cold, sugary, or aerated drinks
  • Nuts and red meats

An alkaline diet is ideal for controlling psoriasis. Fresh aloe juice, coconut water, and other hydrating drinks are highly recommended.

  • Ayurveda Home Remedies

Here are some simple Ayurvedic home-made treatments for psoriasis symptoms:

  • Apply a paste made from jasmine flower essence to inflamed or itchy areas.
  • Reduce inflammation by consuming Guggulu.
  • The leaves of the neem tree, also known as margosa, help to purify the blood and improve immunity.
  • To minimize inflammation, include a lot of turmeric in your diet.
  • Apply cabbage leaf juice to the areas that are afflicted.
  • Massage a blend of olive and cold-pressed coconut oil into the skin gently.

Using Ayurvedic treatments for psoriasis is a highly effective yet soothing way to manage and treat the disorder. However, consult your physician before choosing any supplement or remedy to ensure your condition is not worsened.

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

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