Can I Settle A Car Accident Lawsuit Without Going To Trial?

Can I Settle A Car Accident Lawsuit Without Going To Trial?

Car accidents can be a nuisance for all parties involved. It is estimated that more than 38000 Americans die in car accidents annually. Even when an accident is not fatal, it can cause injuries, both minor and severe. Apart from that, it can mean unnecessary expenses. If you are at fault, you will be a party to an expensive lawsuit. If you are hurt, it may result in medical expenses and of course, car repairs.  All in all, a car accident can more often than not be a painful thorn in your side. If you do find yourself in a car accident, it is best that you lawyer up as soon as you can. Even if the fault is not yours, you should seek out a lawyer immediately. If you don’t and the other party does, the whole case can be turned against you. Apart from that, you will need expert lawyers to sue for damages if you have been injured. After all, why should you bear the brunt when the fault is not yours? The key here is to look for a decent law firm that specializes in car accident cases. For instance, you can go with HawkLaw, P.A

Going To Trial vs Settling Out-Of-Court

If you are on the receiving end in a car accident case, you might want some benefits for all the damage you might have incurred. That’s where your lawyer can come in. You will have two options – settle out of court or file a lawsuit. There are advantages and disadvantages of both these options. However, if the accident is minor, your attorney will probably recommend you to settle out of court, and for good reason. Settling out of court in a car accident case can save you a lot in legal expenses.

You can opt to fight a case in court, but the amount of compensation that you might win is practically unknowable. You might not even win the lawsuit, or win an amount way lesser than what the other party was offering in an out-of-court settlement. Apart from that, the legal expenses of fighting a case in court can be huge. A lawsuit takes time to get settled, and you’ll have to keep your attorney on pay for that period of time. A lawsuit spells trouble for both the parties involved.

Moreover, a trial can be quite exhausting. You will have to make time for it. That means you will have to put off work and spend time that you could be spending with your family and loved ones. If you opt for an out-of-court settlement, you’ll not only be doing a favor to yourself but to the other party as well. Most car accidents are unintentional. It’s highly likely that the accused party would be grateful to you if you opt for an out-of-court settlement.

Although, in some cases, filing a lawsuit might be a better option. If the other party is not offering you proper compensation in an out-of-court settlement, you can haul them to court to get what you deserve. Moreover, if their negligence has caused you great pains, you should fight them in court to get the justice that you deserve. 

Hiring The Right Lawyer

Most car accident cases come under tort law. It’s a law that ensures that the victim gets proper compensation if they are hurt due to someone else’s lack of action or negligence. There are many types of tort cases such as medical malpractice and motor accidents. It’s sort of a niche in the legal field, and that is why there are firms and attorneys who specialize in this law. You should seek out a firm that specializes in tort law as they will be better equipped to deal with a car accident case.

While choosing an attorney, it is also important to consider your budget. You may or may not get compensation. Thus, you should not overshoot and hire the most expensive lawyer in the city. Keep within your budget, but don’t compromise with quality. To get a good lawyer and still stay within the budget, you will have to do some extensive research. They can not only help you with the lawsuit or an out-of-court settlement but also in dealing with insurance companies.

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

Articles: 15902

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