Artificial Intelligence Defined

AI technology has increased in popularity over the years and has grown out of the need to make human tasks more accurate and efficient.

In fact, it can be observed at use in many forms, from providing driving directions to robotic vacuum cleaners and more, and is expected to continue to grow in use, making it necessary for businesses to remain competitive and continue to experience growth.

What is AI?

AI, which stands for artificial intelligence, enables machines and computers to mimic human reasoning, which then gives them the ability to solve problems, make decisions, perceive environments, and more to perform various actions otherwise carried out by people.

What is it Used For

AI has been around for many years, where it was first used to complete many simple human tasks, such as arithmetic. However, today, it can be seen at work in various complex technology systems, including:

Image Recognition, Speech Recognition, and Natural Language Processing

Image recognition is a form of AI that uses patterns of neural activity to categorize and identify objects, actions, and people, etc. Some examples of it include check deposit apps, fingerprint recognition systems, and more.

Meanwhile, speech recognition AI converts human language into digital texts that are recognized by the machine. This type of AI can be observed in voice-enabled GPS and more.

Natural language processing AI, on the other hand, utilizes software to convert human commands into readable texts. Some examples of this include Alexa, Siri, and other voice assistant platforms.

Machine Learning Technology and Robotic Process Automation

AI and machine learning technology is often used by both businesses and IT departments for everything from providing intelligent analytics to improve workflow optimization to collecting and analyzing user surveys to help make it more efficient.

Robotic process automation is another type of AI technology often observed in businesses, which is typically used in place of humans to perform repetitive and automation tasks.

Cyber Security

AI cybersecurity, such as AI-based intrusion prevention/detection, relies on the continuous feed of data to recognize patterns and threats, which enables the technology to monitor behavior, detect abnormalities, issue alerts, respond to threats, and more in real-time.

How is it Created?

AI systems are first created using engineering to combine large volumes of data with a series of instructions for repeated processing, which enables the machine to then respond to certain actions based on algorithms and historical data.

The machine will then automatically use experience to learn from patterns in the system’s data and algorithms, so it can thus perform various actions normally carried out by the human brain, also known as cognitive science.

Cognitive science in AI involves the computer modeling of the human mind and its processes, which then enables the technology to perform multiple intellectual functions, including deep learning, natural language processing, computer vision, and more.

In the end, AI is beneficial for business because it’s what consumers want; however, businesses can also benefit from it in and of itself to help simplify many processes to save time and costs.

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

Articles: 15889

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