A Quick Guide on How to Improve User Experience on Your Website

A Quick Guide on How to Improve User Experience on Your Website

Are you worried that too many of your visitors aren’t returning to your site?

It might not be your site content but how your site looks for your users. After all, 74% of people will return to a site if it has a great UI design.

If the user experience on your website isn’t living up to its promises, there are a few things you can do to make things better. Follow the tips below to improve your user experience design.

Remove Distractions

When designing a site, keep in mind that people only have so much attention to give.

They will be more likely to miss important information if you have too many elements on your site. Rather than trying to cram every possible thing you can think of into a single page, focus on the bare essentials.

One of the best ways you can do this is to make use of white space. Using white space allows the user to focus on the essential elements on the site.

It won’t only help your site look cleaner, but it will also help the user find the information they need more quickly.

Tell People What to Do

The best way to reduce confusion among users is to clarify what they should do on your website.

Make sure users know what you want them to do by using a clear call-to-action (CTA). Use descriptive language and attractive design elements to draw attention to your CTA.

It isn’t enough to make your CTAs look great, either. If they blend in with the rest of your design, it’s hard for people to find them. Give them a distinct look that stands out from the rest of your site, so people know where to click or fill in their information.

Create a Responsive Design

Everyone has a smartphone these days.

This means they are always looking for information and entertainment in their free time. This trend means you can’t afford to stick to desktop web designs.

A responsive design stops you from needing a separate web design for each screen size you decide to support.

Your website will adjust automatically to the size it detects on your visitor’s screens. If you have a fully optimized site with a responsive design, the user experience will be great on devices of any size.

Make Content Scannable

It’s hard to keep someone’s attention for long on the internet these days.

People don’t want to waste time on websites that don’t offer them valuable information as soon as they arrive. That’s why you need to make your content scannable, so people can see what you have to offer.

Break your content into short chunks, so people don’t have to read long passages of text. This will allow them to scan your content quickly and easily.

Ensure the headings and subheadings are descriptive, so it’s easy for people to skim through the page and find what they’re looking for.

Put Important Information Above the Fold

It’s essential to grab your visitor’s attention as soon as they land on your page. If you want them to scan your content, they need to know straight away that you have something to offer.

If people need to scroll to find that information, they’ll bounce as soon as they land on your page.

Make your most important information as visible as possible above the fold. Your above-the-fold content is everything visible before people need to scroll.

This will change based on your visitor’s screen size, making sure every screen size displays correctly.

Optimize for Speed

People have grown impatient on the internet. People want information, and they want it now.

They don’t have time to wait for slow websites that make them wait for unnecessary animations or media to load.

If your site takes too long to load, people will leave and look for another website with faster loading times. To improve your user interfaces, make sure your site is optimized for speed.

This will save time and frustration for both you and your visitors by ensuring your site displays as intended.

Run Split Tests

Split testing is a great way to determine which elements of your site people like most and which ones people find hard to use.

You can run these tests on your website by making small changes to website elements and seeing which version produces the best results.

By measuring the results, you can take a data-driven approach to website design instead of guessing what’s best. It will help you make smarter choices and get a better return from your website.

Of course, measuring results isn’t easy if you’ve never done it before. Web design companies often offer these services, so get in touch to see how they can help.

Keep Things Consistent

It’s essential to keep your design consistent throughout your pages.

No matter how small the changes you make or how small they seem, people will notice them. When people notice these changes, it can break their focus on your site.

If you change one part of your site, make sure that the same version is used throughout the rest of the site. Use the same colors, fonts, and styles everywhere you post content on your site.

You want your site to be a cohesive experience that represents your brand.

Never Stop Improving User Experience

There will come the point where you’ll begin seeing great results from optimizing your user experience.

However, that doesn’t mean your work is done. There are always tweaks you can make to your UI design, so keep testing to figure out the best experience for your users.

Are you looking for more marketing tips for your website? Head back to our blog to learn more.

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

Articles: 15889

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