Recurrent miscarriage treatment in Ahmedabad

Recurrent miscarriage treatment in Ahmedabad

Miscarriages are very painful and very heartbreaking to deal with. Women often have a hard time coping with the loss.

In many cases, the cause of miscarriages can’t be explained or identified. Still, a few identified causes and treatments are available to help couples have hope and try again for a successful pregnancy.

In this article, Dr. Himali explains some of the reasons behind miscarriages and some treatments for them.

Dr. Himali practices her expertise at the Nisha IVF hospital in Ahmedabad, one of the best IVF centres in Ahmedabad, offering a world-class facility with highly trained and professional doctors and staff.

What is a recurrent miscarriage?

When the woman faces three or more consecutive pregnancy losses, it is termed a recurrent miscarriage.

Some causes of a recurrent miscarriage

Dr. Himali Maniar talks about some causes of recurrent miscarriage, its diagnosis, and treatment.

1. Chromosome (genetic) disorder

Genetic miscarriage occurs when there is some abnormality in one of the chromosomes. Many couples have miscarriages due to this problem.

  • Diagnosis: Karyotypes(Karyotyping is the process of pairing and ordering all the chromosomes of an organism, thus providing a genome-wide snapshot of an individual’s chromosomes) of both partners.
  • Treatment: Potential treatment for this cause would be IVF with P.G.D(uses IVF, in which multiple eggs are matured and retrieved) and picking up normal embryos.

2. Age factor:

Age is one of the common factors in recurrent miscarriages. Older women past the age of 35 can have this problem.

  • Diagnosis: The doctor will do an ovarian reserve test on you
  • Treatment: Some treatments include egg donation, IVF with Pgd, CoQ10, and DHEAS.
    • (PGD – uses IVF, in which multiple eggs are matured and retrieved)
    • (CoQ10 – Coenzyme Q10, or CoQ10, is a fat-soluble antioxidant present in all human cells, with the highest concentration in the mitochondria, Coenzyme Q10 may be useful in treating cancer because it boosts the immune system)
    • (DHEAS – Dehydroepiandrosterone-sulfate (DHEA-S) is a steroid hormone produced mainly by the adrenal cortex, the outer part of the two adrenal glands that are located just above the kidneys, DHEAS prevents pro-metastatic and proliferative effects of 17ß-estradiol on MCF-7 breast cancer cells)

3. Endocrine

If the woman is suffering from endocrine issues like hypothyroidism and diabetes mellitus, then it can lead to pregnancy loss.

  • Diagnosis: A thyroid or arsenal test
  • Treatment: The doctor will give medication to cure thyroid and pituitary dysfunction. The doctor might also suggest that you try Meditation and acupuncture.

4. Infections

Bacterial vaginosis(B.V.) and chronic endometritis(C.E.) are both a type of infections that will cause a miscarriage.

  • Diagnosis: Hysteroscopy test, endometrial biopsy for T.B. culture
  • Treatment: The doctor might perform surgery to cut the scar tissue from the infection. The doctor will also provide some antibiotics to deal with the infections.

5. Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)

PCOS is very common among many women in today’s era. If you have any symptoms of PCOS, it is important that you contact your doctor and get treated.

  • Diagnosis: You will be suggested to undergo an insulin tolerance test and an ultrasound test.
  • Treatment: Changing into a healthy lifestyle by exercising, eating healthy, and losing weight can reduce Pcos by a huge number. The doctor will give you some supplements and vitamins to counter PCOS.

6. Environmental factors

Certain environmental factors play a part in miscarriages, e.g., smoking, alcohol consumption, drug use, and caffeine overdose.

  • Diagnosis: The doctor will do a screening test to find harmful environmental factors.
  • Treatment: You will be told to avoid all toxic factors in your environment, and you must also lead a healthy lifestyle.

7. Immune factors

In certain miscarriage cases, the reason would be a decreased immune tolerance towards the fetus or the placenta.

  • Diagnosis: The doctor will suggest some tests are lupus anticoagulants(a type of antibody produced by your body’s immune system) and an antibody test.
  • Treatment: The treatment for immune factors would be heparin and aspirin.

Some other factors that can lead to a recurrent miscarriage are:

  • Weak cervix
  • The structure of the womb
  • Physiological factors
  • Thrombophilia (blood condition)
  • Luteal phase defect


In this article, Dr. Himali Maniar has told us about the causes, diagnosis, and treatment of recurrent miscarriages.

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

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