Tips for impressing buyers during your open house

When you are in the process of selling your home, the open house is the moment when you can win potential buyers over and get them interested in learning more. While it might seem obvious that you want to show your home in the best light, there are certain home staging tips to follow that real estate agents swear by that will really impress buyers during your open house. Paying attention to these details could mean that you can sell your home faster and move into your next home sooner. 

Deep clean and declutter

Even before you put your home on the market, one of the first ways to get your home ready to impress is by decluttering and deep cleaning. You want to present your home as a clean slate that can appeal to any buyer, and decluttering is the first step in that process. Marie Kondo can be your guide as you get rid of any items that don’t “spark joy.” To avoid getting overwhelmed, you can work room by room and give yourself three boxes for ‘donate,’ ‘keep,’ and ‘toss.’ As soon as you think you will be selling your home, you can get started on this all-important step. Another tip with decluttering is to minimize personal items on display — like family photos, or mementos —  and to put them in storage until you move into your next home. Once you’ve got a handle on decluttering, you can get to deep cleaning, and the best strategy may be to hire a professional to get to hard-to-reach places like crown molding and ceiling fans. 

Let the light in

A bright home is an inviting home, and showing off as much light as possible is one way to wow potential buyers. If you have natural light, you’ll want to maximize it, by removing drapes, opening shades, and adding floor lamps to create even more light. If you have shrubs or trees blocking your windows, you’ll want to assess how you can trim them back, to avoid blocking natural light.

Go back to nature

Along with adding light, bringing a touch of nature into your home can give it a positive lift that potential buyers will love. Some easy ways to do this are by bringing in potted plants, adding a bowl of fresh fruit to a dining table, or incorporating natural decor like bamboo chairs, Rafia rugs, or on-trend air plants into your decor. Any of these additions will make your home feel more alive and that can be a good strategy to attract buyers. 

Pay attention to your curb appeal

Agents say that potential buyers decide whether or not they want to visit a home, just based on the outside, or what they call ‘curb appeal.’ Paying attention to your curb appeal means decluttering the outside of your home by weeding, and trimming back bushes and trees. You can then add details to make your home stand out, such as a painted door in a pop color like red, and a pair of potted plants next to your front door.  

With these few upgrades, your home will be ready to put its best face forward and sell.

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

Articles: 15889

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