The umpteen reasons to use a sit and stand desk. Observations and suggestions

Standing desks guarantee happiness, health, fitness, and work productivity  

In spite of volumes of being written in its praise, a sit and stand desk never ceases to amaze. By the way, we are not the first ones to be enamoured by sit and stand desks. They have been used by thinkers, writers, and philosophers in their quests. Hemingway loved his standing desk so much that he hardly wrote without it. In a letter to his sister, the German sage Friedrich Nietzsche talked about his sit and stand desk with amazing eloquence. Lewis Carroll, the famous author, produced one masterpiece after the other while working on the sit and stand desk.

Agreed that the standing desks that these stalwarts used were not ergonomic. But it doesn’t take the spotlight away from one of the most wonderful catalysts of work-productivity. Today, a sit and stand desk is used by legions of working professionals across offices and work-from-home-office (WFH) arrangements. Well, a sit and desk has been endorsed by leading corporate giants such as Apple Inc. The corporation’s CEO, Tim Cook, spoke highly about the benefits of a standing desk. That’s precisely why Apple provided standing desks to its employees.

6 reasons to sit and stand desks

Excellent Posture

A sit and stand desk transforms a slouch into an upright stance with its adjustability feature. People of various shapes, sizes, and heights can use standing desks easily. This means that the standing desk is an ideal medium to get the right posture back. It’s palpable in the various testimonials left by users of standing desks on various ergonomic furniture websites. The first thing that they talk about is the good posture that the sit and stand desk has given them. And they also talk about the sudden increase in mood, confidence, and productivity.

Diminished Back Pains

Standing desks kill back pains by keeping the lower back (lumbar) in the ideal “S” shape. Once the back is in a good shape, the ensuing comforts are shared by the neck, wrists, legs, and forearms. Now wonder a standing desk is iconic of human-furniture symbiosis. And that’s exactly why a standing desk eclipses the painkillers prescribed by doctors and physiotherapists when it comes to getting rid of back pains. Well, standing desks have made their way to hospitals and clinics as well; they’re used by medical professionals during times of stress.

Better Mood and Productivity

A standing desk works like a magic wand in uplifting your mood and productivity. Ask scores of working professionals who use standing desks in regular offices and work-from-home settings, and they have amazing anecdotes to share. In fact, standing desks have brought many working professionals back into productive mode after the pandemic. Physical and mental comforts are what every working professional needs as equally as perks and incentives. Work-productivity hinges on these attributes and a standing desk delivers them in substantial chunks.

More calorie burnout

Standing desks allow people to stand and work. It’s an age-old technique to stay active and fit. Users of standing desks are safeguarded from diabetes, heart attack, and hypertension. They are also able to shed more pounds of unwanted fat. 

Aesthetic Appeal

Standing desks look very elegant and sophisticated owing to their designs, themes, and hues. They’re designed after a thorough and structured research. Ergonomic furniture manufacturers put in their utmost efforts to churn out sit and stand desks that fit the bill. The aesthetic appeal of standing desks aids mood upliftment and destressing.  

Savings and ROI

Standing desks foster savings and returns on investment by negating medical bills and furniture replacement costs. The money is used towards reinvestment in business and employee benefits.


Once you get used to working on a standing desk, you’ll never leave it unattended! It’s too good to be missed. It’s a license to happiness, health, and work-productivity.  

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

Articles: 15890

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