4 compelling reasons why you should make guest experience your guesthouse’s niche

4 compelling reasons why you should make guest experience your guesthouse’s niche

Guest Experience Management is one among the foremost heavily invested areas within the hospitality space & for all the proper reasons. Read on to find out why making guest experience your guesthouse’s niche may be a great idea for long-term success. a number of the foremost successful brands within the world credit their success to their customer-centric culture. within the hospitality space, enhancing guest experience is more important now than it ever has been within the past. Now, because we at Nest & Rest Guesthouse strongly believe the mantra of “What is measured, is managed”, we thought it’s best if we took a stat-based approach during this blog- to point out you only how compelling the case is. Here you go- 5 tips with relevant stats which will push you to form guest experience your niche.

1. Want to extend your profits? Treat your guests’ right.

That’s right! Treating your guesthouse guests, the way they ought to be, can actually usher in more business for you. Because that is the one thing people anticipate to! And for guesthouses, this starts even before the check-in happens! Right from the instant they begin their look for a guesthouse, you ought to stand out for them. Their engagement with you ought to be consistent across all touchpoints- be it within the discovery phase, at the booking phase, pre-arrival, while checking-in, through their stay, at check-out and post departure. you can’t promise them the celebs in your description online then give them anything less during the opposite phases. Be modest in your approach- that’s ok, but be genuine together with your service. Genuine service will always translate into more satisfaction. Or if you think that elaborate & personalized guesthouse guest experience is your thing, then plow ahead and blow their minds off with it.

2. modern-day guests aren’t getting to tolerate shoddy service.

This is golden. With the quantity of data available to the new-age guest, no hotel can afford to lag in their services. In fact, offering a guest experience that’s superior to what your competition offers is one among the simplest ways to enhance your hotel’s reputation- online or offline. This stat shows that customers, or within the case of the hospitality industry- guests, are more tolerant if the matter they face is product-related or price-related. These are negotiable. But their impatience to affect service-related issues is steadily on the increase. Not only will shoddy service end in loss of business for you, it’ll also tarnish your image. You’ll then need to start thinking of the way to handle your guesthouse reputation management as users that search online for guesthouse near me or accommodations near me always looking for reviews of user’s experience. And it keeps getting worse from there on. The smart thanks to set about it all is to supply impeccable guest service, which can only make sure that your competition doesn’t steal your guest.

3. Be present where your guests are- on the mobile!

Omni-channel guest engagement has become so important during this day and age that if you are not present everywhere, you’re bound to lose out on business. a robust online presence is non-negotiable now, given how rapidly mobile is taking up the planet.

Not only does this mean that you simply got to have an outstanding online marketing strategy, it also means you ought to engage together with your customers (potential ones, included) across every online channel – OTAs, web-based media, audit locales, your own site. Be proactive in your engagement so as to remain relevant.

Even in areas of business that are not guest-facing, mobile may be a great idea. Like investing in mobile applications. It helps you stay top of things, regardless of where you are!

4. Unhappy guests can cost you dearly!

We have told you what you stand to realize by taking your guest experience up a couple of notches. But here is that the deal- you’ll be penalized for bad service- and it’ll cost you a bomb. Hotel Reputation Management is heavily invested in lately and no hotel would knowingly wish to ruin their reputation.

Let’s consider the primary stat here: a huge chunk of unhappy guests won’t complain about the bad experience and most of them will never return to you. The stakes are just too high for hotels in such cases. this is often why being proactive in guest feedback management is mandatory, so you get to understand what they considered their experience with you. Enhancing guest experience is one thing, but constantly trying to figure on guest feedback is another. Both together ensure holistic guest experience management.

Do you perceive how making visitor experience your specialty corresponds to long haul achievement?we might like to share with you other ways during which our product can assist you up your game when it involves guesthouse guest experience and hotel reputation management. be happy to succeed in bent us if you would like to understand more!

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

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