5 Tips to Get Your Baby to Latch On

5 Tips to Get Your Baby to Latch On

As a new mother, breastfeeding is one of the most benefical and important things you can do for your baby. It is recommended that you breastfeed exclusively for the first six months of your baby’s life. The benefits increase if you can continue breastfeeding throughout the baby’s first year of life.

Experts say you should start breastfeeding as soon as the baby is born. Once the baby is in the proper position, you should bring the nipple to the baby’s mouth, while lightly compressing your breast. You should keep your baby close while you look and listen for signs of a proper latch. Most hospitals will also recommend a lactation consultant to help you successfully nurse your baby. 

Although breastfeeding is the most natural thing in the world, sometimes getting your baby to latch on properly can be difficult. A good latch is important to successful breastfeeding. By following these easy tips, you will be well on your way to successful breastfeeding.

1. Place Baby in a Comfortable Position 

Make sure you and the baby are both in a comfortable position. The baby’s head, neck, and spine should be properly aligned and not twisted. Your baby should be tummy to tummy with you at all times. His chin should also be raised up a bit, slightly touching the breast. A calm, quiet place can help you and your baby to relax. The use of a nursing pillow will ensure both baby and mother are comfortable and ready to start nursing. 

2. Bring the Nipple to the Baby’s Mouth

Hold your baby close to you. Your nipple should be level with his nose. Gently touch your nipple to your baby’s mouth, which will encourage him to open it up. The wider the baby’s mouth is, the easier it will be for him to latch on properly. Your baby’s tongue should be extended so that the breast can easily fill his mouth.

3. Compress Breast

During lactation, your breast will begin to fill with milk. Gently compressing the breast as you bring your nipple to your baby’s mouth will increase your milk flow and encourage swallowing. If there is any pain as your baby latches on, it indicates that the nipple needs to go deeper into the baby’s mouth. Simply remove the baby from your breast and begin again.

4. Look and Listen for a Proper Latch

Breastfeeding should be comfortable and pain-free. Keep the baby close as you look and listen for signs of a proper latch. The baby’s head should be straight and not turned to the side. The baby’s mouth should be opened wide around the whole breast and not just the nipple. You should be able to hear or see the baby swallowing. These are all signs that the baby is latched on properly.

5. Contact a Lactation Consultant

Most hospitals will offer recommendations for a qualified lactation consultant before you leave with your baby. If the baby is having trouble latching on, your consultant will show you tips and techniques to help ensure your breastfeeding journey is a success. Many consultants will also come to your home to help you with proper technique. They may also give you some relaxation tips that will help.

By following these tips, you will be well on your way to successful breastfeeding. Once you learn how to get your baby to properly latch on to your breast, you and your baby will benefit from all of the positive aspects of breastfeeding. Not only is breastfeeding nutritionally sound for your baby, but it also helps to create a bond between baby and mother.

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

Articles: 15885

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