Fonts to Make Your Business Cards Look Professional

5 Fonts to Make Your Business Cards Look Professional

When greeting prospective business contacts, one of the first things to do is offer them a firm handshake and a proper salutation. This sets the tone for the meeting and helps establish trust between each party. Then, when the meeting comes to an end, the people in the meeting will want to leave a great lasting impression and one way to do that is to offer a business card. This memento of your time together should help remind those you meet of the great time they spent with you and the information they learned from your time together. The last thing you want to do is hand them cheap business cards. Here are some fonts that will help your cards look their best and make them truly memorable.

1) Baskerville

This font is reminiscent of a typewriter and generic printing. The lettering is very clean and can give the impression of someone who is very business-oriented and goal-driven. This is a very neutral font and works best for cards of businesspeople and writers. For the best business font, make sure to use this.

2) Bookman JF

A serif typeface, which is a font style using small lines or strokes, is slightly bolder than most other fonts. It was very popular in the 1960s and 1970s and is the easiest font to read in smaller sizes. For those who want to leave the impression that they are serious but also ready to try creative things, give this font a try.

3) Hellenic Wide

If your name and company name involve small words, this would be a great font to use to give the impression of something bigger. The lettering also appears somewhat squished and can give off the impression of someone who has an eye for graphic quality. Just make sure that the font size is higher than twelve, otherwise, it may be harder to read than other texts.

4) Politica

The exact opposite of the previous font, this font is meant for those who have long names or work for businesses that have many different words in the title. This font will help people use the limited area of the business card to its maximum potential. However, one thing it does share with Hellenic Wide is the necessity to not use small sizes to keep the text legible.

5) Satisfy

Though a business card is meant to establish a lasting impression between colleagues, sometimes you need to let your personality shine, especially if your field is in an artistic setting. The curvy letters and soft lean can show people that you have an individual personality and are happy to show it. Whether big or small, this font is a fun style to use that doesn’t look like a business font but actually is.

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

Articles: 15902

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