5 Auto Accident Statistics That Will Shock You

Most people who have been in Atlanta car accident in the past worry they will be in another one. Those who haven’t been in an accident worry that one day they will.

While driving is necessary to get from point A to point B; unfortunately, you put yourself at risk every time you are on the road. Regardless of how great of a driver you are, you cannot control other drivers on the road, who could increase your chance of getting into an accident. Some people don’t follow the rules of the road, and some are inexperienced. Some people are distracted while driving when they use their phones, change the radio station, or eat in the car., all of which can increase your being in an accident. Knowing there are poor, inexperienced, and distracted drivers on the road cause some drivers’ anxiety.

When you understand more about safe driving and car accidents, you will be more confident that you will get to your destination safely.  Below are 5 car accident statistics that will open your eyes. Understanding these statistics could help you become a safer driver, keeping you and the other drivers on the road safer.

1. Motor Vehicle Accidents Are the Leading Cause Of Injury and Death In Georgia

Car accidents are the leading cause of injury and death in Georgia, which is a frightening statistic. According to the Georgia Department of Public Health, car accidents are the second leading cause of visits to the emergency room and hospitalizations. This is also a scary statistic. People go to the emergency room for various reasons. Knowing that car accidents are the second-highest cause of visits to the hospital, it is hard not to get anxious when you are behind the wheel in Georgia.

Although some people walk away from car accidents without a scratch, that isn’t the case for some. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration statistics, an estimated 38,680 people died in motor vehicle accidents in 2020 and has increased by 7.2 percent since 2019.

2. Fewer People On the Road Didn’t Decrease the Number Of Car Accidents In Georgia

In 2020, there were fewer drivers on the road due to the lockdowns during the COVID-19 pandemic. Many businesses were closed, so people weren’t driving back and forth to work. In addition, large gatherings were prohibited, which meant even fewer people on the road.

Although fewer drivers were on the road, Georgia’s number of car accidents increased by 7.2 percent.

 3. Distracted Driving Is Still a Problem

Most states have laws prohibiting drivers from texting while driving and even talking on the phone while driving. If you don’t use a hands-free option, you can get a ticket.

Unfortunately, these laws haven’t made the difference that lawmakers had hoped. According to the Centers. For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), every day, about eight people in the United States are killed in car accidents where distracted driving was to blame.

This isn’t the total number of people killed in car accidents in the U.S. It is just the number of deaths due to distracted driving.

Unfortunately, you cannot prevent people from driving distracted, but you can change your behavior to avoid a distracted driving accident. You can avoid texting and driving and can go hands-free. This will help you avoid a distracted driver, preventing an accident.

4. Driving Under the Influence Is Still An Issue

Over the years, the penalties for driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs have become more severe. Unfortunately, these laws haven’t stopped people from driving under the influence. According to the National Traffic Safety Administration, 28 people are killed in drunk driving accidents or driving under the influence of illegal and prescription drug accidents in the United States. This equals one person every 52 minutes.

The best way to prevent yourself from becoming a statistic is to avoid buzzed and drunk driving, and don’t drive under the influence of drugs. The second way is to identify a driver who is under the influence, so you can avoid them. Signs to look for include swerving, driving very slow or fast, and failing to obey and react to traffic signs and stoplights.

 5. Drowsy Driving Causes More Accidents Than You Think

Drowsy driving occurs due to a lack of sleep and certain medications. Commercial truck drivers often drive long distances before stopping to sleep and often drive drowsy.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, there were 697 car accident fatalities involving a drowsy driver, which is 1.9 percent of the total car accident fatalities in 2019.

The best way to prevent a drowsy driving accident is to ensure you feel awake and get enough sleep before getting behind the wheel. You should also avoid drowsy drivers, who regularly swerve, drive slowly, and ignore stop signs and traffic lights.

 A car accident can cause injuries, property damage, and financial burden and can turn your whole life upside down. Now that you understand some car accident statistics, you can drive defensively, avoiding those who don’t follow the rules of the road.

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

Articles: 15889

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