4 Tips for Using the Small Cat Carrier from A Pet with Paws

Even though the US has more pet cats than pet dogs, it’s no news that the former receive less medical care than the latter. Many attribute this to the reluctance of pet parents in getting their feline friends to the veterinarian due to the stress involved. But, this excuse doesn’t rule out the significance of doing it. Taking your cat regularly to a vet doctor is essential to maintain its health and ensure it gets medical attention and care it deserves.

Many pet cat owners have often decried the difficulty of getting them to a veterinarian in cars or other vehicles. Unlike their canine counterparts that see such a venture as an opportunity to hang out with their owners, pet cats usually see it as a negative experience that takes them out of the confine of their abode, which they love dearly.

The issue typically starts from the point of bringing out a carrier, either soft or hard; cats dislike it and always dash the nearest escape route at the sight of it, and you might not see them for the next few hours. If you eventually manage to get a hold of them, they make a fuss in the process of getting them to enter the carrier. Keeping them calm while in the bag and strapped to a car seat during the journey is another part of the entire process bound to stress you out.

Merely thinking about the stress involved in getting your feline companion to a vet is enough to give up on the essential venture; however, that’s not an option. To help you go over the process seamlessly and without so much trouble, this article will be sharing four practical tips to consider adopting. They’ll ensure every trip to the vet is one to relish.

  1. Build a Habit of Taking the Cat for Regular Check-ups

Many pet parents find it challenging to get their pet cats to follow them to the veterinarian because they hardly build such habits with them. Several pet owners take their feline companion on a trip to the vet only when the latter is sick or during situations that require urgent medical attention, which they barely enjoy.

No one, not even animals, like the idea of getting poked with needles or operated upon every time they visit a vet facility; it makes them see veterinarians as people that inflict pain. Taking your pet cats to a vet every time they need a shot of injections – which isn’t without pain – only builds a feeling of fear in them and is capable of making them put up resistance whenever you want to take them on such a trip.

To avoid seeing the nasty and stubborn side of your feline pet whenever it’s time to see an animal doctor, consider building a habit of casually taking them for random check-ups even when there’s nothing wrong. Get the cat used to the idea of visiting and, while there, engage in regular fun activities like nail trimming, brushing, etc. While doing these, rewards it with treats and goodies.

  1. Get an Ideal Cat Carrier

If you want to have a stress-free trip to the vet with your pet cat, avoid letting it loose in the car. One way to get around this is by procuring a cat carrier. However, you shouldn’t merely get any kind you come across; consider making efforts to purchase the right one.

There are numerous cat carriers available out there if you ever consider shopping for one, and they come in different shapes and sizes such that picking one can be highly challenging. There’s a hard cat carrier, and there’s soft, and while there are big ones, there’re small ones too. The size of the one to procure significantly depends on your pet and its behavioral features.

While some do pretty well in a small cat carrier, others prefer a bigger one. For the former, consider going for a light cat carrier: A Pet with Paws; it’s your best bet as it’s ideal for lightweight, diminutive cats that you can quickly move around without bothering about weight.

However, bear in mind that anyone you’re settling for should be able to accommodate your pet and must be lockable, easy to clean, and portable. Also, it has to be one that won’t give you or the cat any trouble when getting it in or in the process of bringing it out.

  1. Get the Cat Used to the Idea of Staying in a Carrier at Home

Another way to avoid going through much stress when it’s time for a visit to the vet with your cat is by making efforts to get it used to the idea of being in a carrier. The most effective way to achieve this is by making the carrier part of your home furniture rather than leaving it in a house secluded. After getting your cat carrier cheap from a Pet with Paws or any other dealer, the last thing you want is to make your efforts go in vain.

Keep the cage out in the home and make the interior inviting so that the pet can be comfortable playing in it and around it. If you keep the carrier in a closet or garage and only bring it out whenever it’s time to visit the vet, you’ll only end up creating fear in the cat, and you don’t want that.

  1. Create a Sense of Safety and Security Using the Carrier

One of the best ways to get a pet cat to fall in love with a carrier is by using the latter to create a sense of safety and security for it. Make a routine of feeding your cat and building their favorite bed in the carrier. Doing this helps reduce the fear and anxiety associated with staying in a cage. It also allows them to create a feeling of belongingness and association with it.


Cats are fascinating creatures, ones that like being in control of their surroundings. They frown at attempts to confine them to a specific area or enclose them in small spaces like a cat carrier bag. Besides this, they don’t enjoy the movement and noise associated with a car in motion. Therefore, traveling with them in a vehicle can be a daunting experience for the owner.

However, adopting the tips examined above will go a long way in ensuring that you don’t go through much stress as a pet cat owner when taking them to a veterinarian.

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

Articles: 15902

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