3D Printing Technology: Beginner’s Guide

Nowadays, you can’t even define the limit of technological emergence in our world. It is not only a light bulb, steam engine, or remote control television. Technology means artificial intelligence, humanoid robots, 3D printing, and beyond. If you are a passionate tech geek, these sectors can be your favorite playground. So, delaying no further, let’s get to know something about 3D printing.

All Things About 3D Printing

3d printing rapid prototyping or Digital Fabrication Technology is creating a three-dimensional object from a geometrical representation of materials. The basic theory is as simple as your old school xerox machine. The difference is xerox can copy 2D themes, where 3D printers are way more complex and sophisticated. The device can print an object layer after layer directly, as presented from the CAD (computer-aided design) module. According to Pick 3D Printer These Are The Best High-Resolution 3D Printers that are being used right now.

3D printing technology is the fastest growing industry right now in Silicon Valley. Because of its diverse possibilities, industrialists choose 3D printing tech over anything like time, resource, and human resources are efficient.

The history of 3D printing tech is not so old. In the early ’80s, the idea came up as Rapid Prototyping Technology. It was a more efficient and faster way to create better prototypes. The first successful patent is Japan’s, the Stereolithography Apparatus. No matter if they are the techno leaders of the world. 

Charles Hull is the founder of 3D System Corporation. It is the first and most successful 3D venture to date. 

Later on, it became Deposited Fused Modelling. After developing the Metal Laser Sintering method, Ballistic Particle Manufacturing became the tech world’s next sensation.

By the year 2000, Rapid Tooling technology came in light. This step was the first in 3D printing technology development. But Ex-One Company was able to bring a breakthrough in this industry. The company introduced Additive Manufacturing, and this is the older version of our 3D printing.

The 3D printing industry crossed the capital value of 1 billion dollars by the end of 2015, and it’s still counting more.

Benefits it offers 


You can customize your favorite art piece or make a replica of some famous statue without any hassle. Anime 3D print is now a trend. Just copy and create Doremon or Naruto with a 3D printing kit very easily. 

3D printing is one kind of layer art. So by adding hundreds of layers, you can create an immensely complex structure, like a supercar, for example.


3D printing is taking over the traditional industry, not just because it is efficient but also environment friendly. It uses up to 90% raw material to lessen the wastage. You can print anything, anywhere with a ready model, computer, and printer. So large investment factories and extra logistics are out of date already. 

Scopes Of 3D printing

This technology adapts a variety of raw materials and available printing options. Like ABS plastics, inkjet, ceramic, bio plate, cement, metal, paper, and up to 140 digital materials are printable with a 3D printer.

You can already see the aspects. Home decor, appliances, fittings, cars, beams, cutlery, everything is printable. Not so surprising that the medical sector is depending on the 3D industry for artificial transplant organs. 

There will be effects of this 3D dependency also. Like more giant factories will shift to small, spare parts transportation. With time this service will be obsolete because you can print a part anywhere. So none will take the hassle of import and export thousands of parts and products other than raw materials.  

The world is about to change with 3D printing. The current economy and investment plans will adopt a new policy to cope up with the employment issue. Lots of people will lose jobs in industries, but more opportunities will grow for the skilled workforce. So start working on your basic to be compatible with a 3D world. 

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

Articles: 15885

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